Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Monday Musings ta bit late

Well time to put my writer's hat on and see what words come out.  I should have blogged yesterday to be faithful to Mondays but I didn't have any words rattling around in my head yet.  Today I do!  Lucky you!

I just returned from visiting our orthodontist.  He has all this fancy technology and shows you the teeth in 3D and pictures and surround sound or what have you.  Quite fascinating.  Then he tells the treatment plan and the amount of money needed.  Since this is our fourth round of braces for the MYP (one had them twice), I wanted to pull out my pocket insides and show him that all I have is lint.  But I doubt that would have helped the situation.  He's model-magazine attractive.  So that doesn't help me being testy about the cost.

So we had an extra-special Thanksgiving.  It was so nice to be able to load up our contributions and go to another home this year.  And it was so nice to be with a full hand of extra-special people.  I hardly took any pictures.  But the food and friends and family together made my heart warm and happy.

My dad just celebrated birthday #86.  He's 'healthy as a horse' (his words).  But unfortunately, he cannot hear as he once did.  I really feel for him but am glad that there's technology that can help with the hearing and that he can thoroughly enjoy social interactions via text, Facebook, and emails.

My mostly-nice older brother and family were not with us this year.  Because of that, my self-esteem was soaring since he wasn't there to lovingly make a few well-deserved comments about what I just said.  I deserve it I guess.  There's something neat about siblings.  You feel like a kid again when you're together.  Thank goodness we'll see them within a couple months again so I can feel 14 instead of 51.

I got a text at 3 am this morning that said "I'm really sick and puked".  I'm glad I didn't read it until this morning.  I just find it amusing how that seemed like a normal thing to do for him.

I recently got a new phone.  Phone plans are about as easy to understand as x-y+b*q = z.  They are clever in that they tell you all that you are saving, but hardly on how much you are really spending.  Nonetheless, I really really like my new camera that came with it!

The new phones are kind of spooky though!  Sunday morning just as we got in the car to head to our usual home, my screen lights up to tell me how long it will take to get there.  I never told it where we were going.  It tells me when I should leave home for an appointment.  Then it tells me where I parked.  Then it tells me when to go to bed based on my alarm.  Pretty soon all I need to do is not use my mind at all.  Wait a minute.  That's kind of me already.

We were worried the other night about daughter #1 not leaving work even though she had been supposedly off an hour+ before.  So the Chairman calls at nearly 11 at night and asks very anonymously 'are you open?'.  He wanted to be sure it wasn't being held up or anything.  The next day we tell her that dad had called.  She said, 'are you serious?'  The boss got off the phone and said, 'boy some people are really stupid!'.  Heh.  We don't consider ourselves helicopter parents, but you sure heard the blades whirring that night!

We read in the bible to hate no man.  And I can honestly say I don't.  But is it ok to hate something?  Please say yes.  Because I HATE cancer.  Hate it.  I wish they could tell me that if you drink a tea at 2:37 on a Monday when there's a full moon that you will be guaranteed to not get it.  Life and disease isn't that simple.  I have friends/family that have been or are going through the journey of cancer.  It's terrifying for them and scary for us.  I hate cancer.  And I hope those that have or will be facing it know that there is a literal army of people that care and love them and support them.

So this is enough.  I'll add some pictures at the end here!
yum for homemade Indian food!

sweet sweet Lisi


WI was well represented in IL for Thanksgiving

Mama warming the lefse

My dear parents.  I'm so fortunate for them.

These lovelies visited us for several days.   
I consider myself good at parallel parking but am always conscious of what others are thinking...

Monday, November 21, 2016

Monday Musings

It's Monday!  And I'll Muse!  How about I throw some stats at you first and foremost?  This is probably more interesting to me than you.  This is post #1256.  There have been 88 page views so far today.  In the past month there have been 3,194 views.  Goodness who are you all?  Well hello indeed!

So what's new with you?  Shoot.  I can't have two-way conversations here.  Just drop me a text if you know my number so I can hear!  Or call.  Or write me an email.  Or a letter.  Doesn't matter!  I need to write some of you too!

We just got word a few hours ago that yet another classmate of one of our MYP has passed away.  Two weeks ago it was a 16-year old to a fast-moving cancer.  Today it was due to a car accident.  For the life of me I cannot hardly wrap my mind around the emotions those parents are feeling.  At all.  Each and every time our MYP drive out of the driveway, I smile with a small knot in my stomach.  I hope that goes away sometime, but I doubt it does.

Son #1 had a successful hunt this year.  I'd show you a picture but I think it makes some people squeamish to see a dead deer.  I'll just post this picture - the mom where he's staying at - sent me today.  Thank goodness he's home in a few hours.  I miss him and it's only been three days.
Remember me kind of tooting the kefir horn a post or two back?  You know the one that says it has a gazillion pro-biotics and I never-ever get sick?  Yeah that one.  Well, I got sick.  Nothing too horrible.  Just a sore throat for three days and congestion thanks to a couple sick daughters.  I complained to the Chairman and he said, 'well you could have been sick a lot worse if you weren't drinking kefir'.  So I'll keep believing and drink the swill. 

I had a super-sweet getaway for 27 hours this past weekend.  Some of us ladies all holed up in a condo and ate ourselves into a stupor and then shopped a bit besides.  I just felt like my heart was full of happiness after our time together.  I am thankful for friends that make me feel that way.  

I think teenagers master the selfies better
I like this quote I read lately, "hugs were invented to let people know you love them without having to say anything".  I'm not good at either one much quite frankly.  Must be the stiff Norwegian in me.

Speaking of quotes - I had to write this down after our daughter said it,,, "Maybe I should be rebellious and then when I'd come back you'd appreciate me more and give me money to be a good kid".   She's a nut.  I think she takes after...  (oh never mind)

So we have a wonderful week ahead with Thanksgiving and friends and family and food.  Happy Thanksgiving!  See you back here soon for post # 1257!

Here's a few things that made me smile.  

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Confession Muse

Yes, it's Thursday.  I didn't blog on Monday or Tuesday or Wednesday.  And here's the confession.  I kinda entertained the idea once again to just be done with this forum forever and ever and ever again.  I ran this idea by one of the MYP and I was somewhat surprised by the answer.  "You mean you don't want a record of our years in high school?".  Um.  Well yes.  And sometimes no.

This week has been a doozy.  I feel like I've earned my graying hair.  No, it is nothing with troubled teens or a troubled marriage or a troubled pet - thank goodness.  It's just that the weightier matters of life seemed to compound on me.  Life is good.  But it's very busy and there's a lots of things thrown on a person during an ordinary week.

Did you know there was an election last week?  Did you know I'm finally going to post some political thoughts?  Just kidding!  I haven't, nor will I ever.  It's too divisive.  And quite frankly, most the time I don't even know what I think.  So I just tend the demographics within the confines of the Chairman and Co. and leave it at that.

I've been selling bread to friends.  So if you would like a loaf or six of whole wheat, white, cracked wheat, multi-grain, or a blend of all the above, give me a couple-days notice.  Thanks!

There was a bit of stress yesterday due to a missing cell phone for 24 hours.  Thank goodness it was located at the high school right where she left it!  And thank goodness for honest classmates.

There's a sick child laying in bed upstairs right now.  I hope she doesn't share her sickness.

Have I told you about kefir?  Homemade kefir?  Would you be interested in learning about the process?  I've been pouring and straining and drinking the liquid magic for close to two years.  The Chairman is quite zealous as well.  I think I've been sick maybe once in that time.  Or maybe not.  I'm a believer!  And it costs next to nothing.  And it is lactose free.  And it makes me feel like jumping over the moon.  Or not.  But it's liquid gold I tell you!

Well this is probably enough.  I'm in the middle of baking five pans of caramel/pecan and regular frosted cinnamon rolls for various reasons.  The house smells heavenly.

Happy rest of the week to you!  I promise to blog on Monday.  I think.   Yay!  Blogger finally added emojis!  ðŸ‘Œ 😅 🎉

The Chairman and his Jr. following election results

A little golden sweetness. 

Starting the braces process.  They get put on in the next month or so.
this is so me

Monday, November 7, 2016

Monday Musings

I'm doing it!  Blogging a Muse this Monday!  Don't think it's because I love to create prose on this medium for you peeps.  It's a form of procrastination.  You see I decided this morning to wash some windows/screens inside/out.  It's a gorgeous fall day here in Dairyland.  Some of the inward parts of our windows are starting to show a little dirt/mold.  Ok.  A lot of dirt and sometimes mold.  So I need to attack it.  It isn't fun and I'd rather blog.

So what's new you ask?  Not too much!  We've had beautiful fall days.  Last week one day Lisi and I were out on our walk.  I stopped and took a picture.  There were lots of 'outtakes'.  And here's one of my favorites.  Lisi loves to get her picture taken but I think it's just because she thinks I suddenly want to tell her in the middle of the woods how much I appreciate her.  She's weird like that.
Is the election over?  Tomorrow?  YAY!  I'm exhausted from avoiding political talk or ads.  

The Chairman and I celebrated our 22nd anniversary over a week ago at a lovely restaurant with just the two of us.  We knew this past weekend was going to be a busy one.  And it was.  We had a lovely time and a good visit - just the two of us.  

Then this weekend on the eve of our anniversary Saturday, all five of us went to Chipotle and then to wander the mall a bit.  We got done eating and were just sitting there chatting with our three MYP and I just had to take a picture.  You see I rememeber thinking the day of our wedding - "I wonder what will happen down the road twenty or more years".  I was a bit of an older bride (29) so maybe I was more futuristic in my thinking.  Anyway, there we were.  The five of us.  And here was the life we had made for ourselves.  It goes without saying that my heart was and is full.  

they may or may not have been poking each other as I took this

This is what 21 years and 364 days looks like

they even named a chair after him
Yes, life hasn't always been roses and sunshine, but it's been very, very kind to us.
We had a lovely family day with most the local extended relatives on Saturday.  It was great to be together and super-fun to be able to hold this little fella a lot during the day.  I was a bit 'babied out' after our three came rapid-fire.  Now I again love that squishy-sweet feeling of a new one.

And what could be better than a huge pile of homemade doughnuts?

One thing the Chairman and I vowed to do once we knew we were going to add a biological child to the mix was to be absolutely certain that there would be not one inference in any way, shape or form that one child was more important than the other.  I think we've been successful and though we have created our family through adoption and birth, it isn't a part of our thinking on a daily basis.  At all.  

However, the other night, son #1 presented his dad and I with a beautiful engraved cutting board he secretly made for us.  And what made it all the sweeter was the card he wrote to us about being thankful for his family and us as parents, and some other stuff that ordinarily doesn't come from the mouths of 16-year old boys.  Lets just say none of us had dry eyes.  To go from an eight-pound perfect little baby boy to a teen that towers over me that is ambitious and kind is a wonderful thing for us to witness.  
So here's a few things I enjoyed this week:
yes I did once when I was about 10 and I never have liked them since

but the mornings are good!


Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Monday Musings this Tuesday

Greetings Peeps!  I've been looking forward to visiting with you but the pat 24 hours were extra-busy and extra-special.  Happy sigh.  For just a wee time a family member is in the state.  He logistically is further away, but mentally a bit closer.  And was a lot closer yesterday (obviously!).

We got to pick out our favorite proofs from our family picture/senior picture shoot a month ago.  It is dreadfully hard to pick.  I think that's a good thing.  Our friend/photographer is one talented lady.  One of the pictures we actually didn't choose is up on your right if you look and are on a computer and not your phone.  

Last wee was busy socially.  I went with a couple friends to this China Lights thing.  It was beautiful and my Chipotle bowl was delicious.  Yes, it's always about the food... 

I had a physical.  The doctor told me that people would pay for my numbers whatever that meant.  Go ahead and send checks if you want!  I take cash or check.  Anyway, she suggested a colonoscopy since I've ventured past the 5-0 mark.  So a lady called to set it all up.  I gave her the info she needed then just happened to go Google what it all entails.  No thank you.  Nope!  No-way-Jose.  No, it isn't the drinking all that terrible stuff and cleaning out every pipe in your body.  It's the simple fact I don't want to not eat for that long.  I don't want to feel sick.  I don't want roto-rooters come up from the basement.  We have no family history of colon cancer so I'll just stick to the easy test.  Thanks anyway!

The Chairman and I went out for a date!  Yes, for us that's a monumental experience.  Yes, we love our MYP.  Yes, our home will be much quieter in a few years.  But it was so nice to have it just be 'us'.  At least once every year or so!  

It was Halloween!  Oh I guess you would know that.  The Chairman always wants to be the one passing out candy.  I'm not sure why.  He likes talking to the neighbors and look at the cute little kids, but I think the main reason is that he's so excited to see all the candy go to someone else's house.  He doesn't know that I actually needed to buy another small bag before the actual holiday and may or may not have hidden a stash way up high.  But that'll be just our little secret.  Right?  Right?  Thank goodness he isn't a blog reader.

This was my view on Saturday night when it was getting to be 'quiet time'.  Thankfully, things did settle down soon after.  Yes, those are our monkeys and yes, this is our circus.
 Sunday we had a lovely potluck that had authentic Indian curry as our main dish.  We said a sad goodbye to a dear spiritually-rich lady.  She returns to India today.  She called me 'her other daughter', so I'll call her 'my other mother'.  
mother and daughter and a cute photo bomber

the spread

love this pic!  we've nearly been with her every week for 22 years!
So this Saturday is our 22nd anniversary!  It's always kinda neat when the anniversary is actually on a Saturday.

It smelled like something died in our fridge so I started an investigation.  Just a word of caution - if you have a very small amount of black beans that you think you'd eat at another time, don't risk it.  Phew!  

So happy rest of the week to you!  Glad to have a one-sided chat again.