Saturday, February 2, 2008

An accident free day...

It is official. I am trained. Not Lisi... the mother. I was thinking how absurd it is for me to stand in the snow on a dark and cold Saturday night wishing this little ball of fur would do her business. Then make a big fuss and celebrate when she does finally go. Didn't I just celebrate the end of diapers only 3 years ago??? But she's working her magic on me... and today I almost really liked her for a bit! She's very good with her name, knows 'NO' and will come up and sit and look very serious if I'm holding a Charley Bear treat.

The kids had a great time skating at Stier's this afternoon. Perfect ice and perfect weather. I even laced up and didn't forget how to loop-de-loo!

Better go do something more meaningful on this Saturday night now...


  1. when you're done with Lisi, please come train sound like you really know what you're doing! Congrats!

  2. and when your done helping ethel with teagan, come on over and help me with kekoa. ;)

  3. Sorry you ladies with little ones. I'm very done with potty training little people. If I survived it three times... that's enough for me!

  4. The puppy looks like a keeper. It is hard to get a puppy if you aren't into the baby mode. Just like babies though it does get better.Glad I found you.
