Monday, December 22, 2008

Monday madness

Feels like it. I'm 'alone' with 5 kids 9 and under. The Chairman just 'happened' to need to be out of town tonight once he heard the plans. Actually, I shouldn't say that. He really needed to go to parts north before yet another snowfall as he needs pictures and info before the end of the week.

Speaking of which. Enough already. I think everyone is having an incredible winter as we are. Maybe instead of my continual droning of the snow/ice/sleet/hail/bitter cold, I should just have the Weather Channel as a side bar!

I'm still listening to Christmas carols quite a bit and you know what I'm thinking? There really aren't that many of them. And the repetition is almost making my mind numb. Sure there's the jazzy version, the soft and sweet version, and the modern version. But you know what? They all are the same words and sounds and well, blah. Bah-humbug. It's back to silence for me. Which in the end, is better.

Our new, super-deluxe, better than you can imagine snowblower is earning its salt. We thought we got maybe a bit of 'overkill' when we went up to the next level. But last night... well. We were gone for the day. A lovely time of fellowship in the morning. Dinner and the day at the Debelak parents. And then home to waist-high drifting in our driveway. The truck was stuck. Hey! I sound like Seuss. So T&I dug out the base of the truck and D. blew out the driveway in gale-force winds and voila! We got 'er in! This is SD country living here! I grew up with blizzards and drifting.

And we're busy now. And I like it that way. I am one of those rare ones that feel more 'rested' and sleep better if I have a very full schedule ahead of me. Don't ask me why. Ask my dad. He's the same way. And it is nice to have special privileges, times, and things to look forward to. :-)

I really am enjoying the holiday cards coming in! I have a bulletin board off the kitchen that has our friends/family posted there. And really, not much in our house means all that much to me than those sweet faces peering down at me as I walk by.

So back at it.... this time 'it' is a laundry pile.


  1. i'm w/ you - this weather is zapping all the energy out of me - enough already!

  2. Thanks goodness it's snow and not rain. That's what's keeping me in a good mood.
