Monday, May 18, 2009

Keeping It Real

Borrowed from another blog.  The beauty of blogs is that you can post the cute.  The funny.  The sweet.  The 'ahhhh' moments.  But sometimes life isn't all about the perfect and wonderful.  Maybe I'll try to post some icky stuff so we don't look so put together.  

* My gardens still are full of weeds.  And quack grass.  And rocks.  And the flowers I planted in the window boxes have been blasted by the rotten wind here and they look just shell shocked.

* Where we are now is windy.  Not just your ordinary breeze.  We're talking wild wind.  Irritating at times.  And often bone-chilling.

* The kids are into making a fort in the lot next door.  They almost without fail leave all their 'tools' out there in the field and rush off to something else.  And then to make matters worse, when they do bring it all in, they bring in approximately 1/4 acre of mud with them back into the house.

* No one likes to do work around here.  Well the Chairman and I do. But the kids balk, whine, complain, and downright cry at times about chores.  I actually don't ask much out of them I don't think.  And then when I do I almost cringe before asking knowing there will be loud complaints on who did what and how much and how mom isn't fair for asking so very much more out of them then the others.  I think I need to go back to chore charts or this summer will  be nothing but yelling.

* One very dear worker said to me once that the parents she knew that had the most control didn't raise their voice.  Oh boy.  I remember those words when I'm in a loud mood.

* Kids always want to find you when they feel sick.  And that sometimes includes puke in carpeting.  At 1 in the morning.  That's what I saw this morning.  Trevor heard the commotion and came out of his room to see what was happening and without thinking I said, 'good morning honey!' at 1:07 am.  Then I said, 'no wait, go back to bed.  Sorry I woke you!'.  And my d.d. #1 is lying in my bed with a fever and a belly ache.

* After being cooped up for most of yesterday, we came home to a dog that wanted a walk and wanted it NOW.  So after asking the kids if they wanted to bike with us while the Chairman and I walked, they said no.  We return after a quick 25 minute trek and look over at the yard and it seemingly seems peaceful for about 4 seconds.  Then yelling.  Then one child comes over screaming that another child jumped on their stomach.  Lovely.

* Two of our three kids have allergies.  One gets over them as soon as the trees bud out.  The other is miserable with them.  Congestion.  Coughing.  Wheezing.  Sneezing.  Ick.  I'm going to an alternative-type person tomorrow to see if they can do anything first.  Then if not, I'm back to the pharmacy again.  

* The laundry is in piles all over the living room.  And I haven't showered at 10:30.  But there is fresh bread and I've done other things, so I hope that counts.

* Oh did I mention dust?  So thick on the office furniture that when you move something you see the outline?  I hear that comes with projects in the house.

So there you have it.  Keeping it real.  But yet... still... one happy family!  (usually)


  1. I love REAL!! About asking to do chores...I always cringe thinking about asking too...UGH! Thats when the rasied voice comes out, glad to know that other familys are just as real as ours. Happy Monday!

  2. So if I whisper, my kids will listen? ;) Sorry your eldest is sick. :( Hope no one else gets it. Get well soon.

  3. re the chore thing- it's good for them... so don't stop. I'm glad my mom didn't give up on us...and didn't kill us, either- although I'm sure we deserved it sometimes!

  4. oh, yes -- those were the days -- looking back.. how quickly they did pass -- Enjoyed reading your posts which I've not done for a while - I've been at the gardens, too : )
