Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Last day of summer...

at the local dam
something he loves to do
hmmm... is their spot better than mine?
look! a bullhead!
Rayna thinks it is kinda gross. Mira even puts her own worms on!

It was to be a great day. Each child picked out their favorite thing for one of the meals. Then we took some neighbor boys to the nearby dam to fish. After about 5 minutes (and no fault of his own) a neighbor boy dropped Trevor's pole. He was sobbing. Loudly. I got scared wondering what in the world had happened. Then he told me. Relief swept over me. But then the kids were thinking of swimming to get it. Um. No. The very kindly neighbors came over with an apology and money for a replacement.

Then it got worse. Way worse. I called it a simply perfectly awful dreadful day. It isn't blog fodder. Just so you know our lives aren't all about happy smiles and fishing holes.


  1. That doesn't sound so great at the end! I hope everyone is okay!

  2. now i'm curious. hope everything is ok..i'm sposing it is cuz they all look adorable on their first day of school. was it that Lisi again? hmmm?
