Wednesday, March 10, 2010


I can hear the car. In the fog. Going down this street. Up this street. And finally I hear it stopping at the closest intersection behind me. Lisi and I continue our walk. Then the car pulls up closer. Nearly cuts me off in mid-stride. The window rolls down. In the burgundy nameless four-door sedan is a middle-aged lady. She's frustrated. Starts talking before I smile and acknowledge that she's nearly right on top of my toes with her tire. 'Where's Winkelman?'. Yes I'm fine! Thanks for asking! You mean Winkelman Road? I start to give her directions. But the car is moving forward. 'Oh I see, I'll just go down this road and join up with 16 there.' I raise my voice as the car drives forward, 'that's a cul-de-sac!' (which I might add you can see the end of it right before us). Oh right! Then she backs up (again painfully close to my tootsies). I try to tell her which way to go to get to her aforementioned road. She yells a quick, 'thankyouforyourhelp' and zooooom. She's off! It seems she's headed in the right direction, but quite frankly, I can't totally tell because you see. It's foggy. Like really foggy. We continue on our path. Seems kinda spooky and fun walking along in the fog. And then... about 5 minutes later. ZOOOM! Thare she goes! Still lost. Still not asking for directions. And very, very frustrated.

I think there's a lesson here...


  1. and she was probably too embarrased to ask you again for directions.

  2. ditto what Wanda said... but if she'd been a bit more patient and less (hmmm- how to say it?) less '....-challenged' she wouldn't have needed to ask more than the once...
