Monday, January 17, 2011

Monday Musings

Miss Responsibility.  Came down early this mornng
thinking she would be late.  Then conked out
by the fire

Big sister trying to warm up and not liking
mornings one bit

Frantically getting homework done that could
have been worked on last night

Enjoying Mr.  Grinch who we got off a clearance rack for
under $2.  Cheap dog toy that she is loving
to death.  I think Lisi is trying to bite some
happiness into him
Here we go again!  Tis a snowy morning here in dairyland.  I took four random shots of everyone but the Chairman this morning.  I didn't think he'd appreciate me taking a photo of him in the shower or eating the Chairman's granola this morning.

So we wait for Mr. Garage Door Repairman to come.  One door refuses to talk to our remotes.  Sigh.

Anyone familiar with Flylady?  I signed up, but not sure I want extra e-mails every day.  I try to run a tight ship around here anyway.  And I see the most important thing is a shiny sink.  Maybe I'll go do that now.  Not to mention the four loads of laundry and some vacuuming and... and...

A very nice past weekend.  We were without our son for all of it but about four hours.  He wanted to go out to the Chicken Farm to see his friend and gladly do chores for the Chicken Lady.  He had great fun.  And learned lots of things.  And loved to get close again last night before bed.  I like it when he is still likes to plop on my lap (even though he's only about 14 lbs. lighter than me now).  And I'm glad the "girls" out at the Chicken Farm are starting to earn their keep.  I like 4 doz. brown eggs just waiting to be used...

So we switched a vehicle on Saturday.  And while at the car place waiting for them to finish up what they do, the girls and I headed back to the restrooms.  We walked in and it was just us.  After I did my business I unlocked my stall and said very brightly as I walked out, "Wow!  Mom really had to go potty!"  Just as I finished the last word I was face to face with a middle-aged lady who looked at me in surprise.  I think she was thinking I was a bit loopy.  So I said quickly "I'm sure you really didn't need to know that!".  Then giggled quietly with the girls and skittered out of there hoping we didn't run into each other again (which we didn't).

Don't let the Chairman's low-key ways fool you.  As I was driving out of our driveway with the aforementioned vehicle, he yells 'watch it!'.  I hit the brakes.  Then he says, 'there's a car over there'.  Now mind you the car was one block away on a completely different road.  He is the back seat drivers of all back seat drivers.  That's why he drives 99.94% of the time when we're together.

If you know my Much Older Sister, you might want to get a card in the mail.  She's turning the big (well I won't say it here) on Wednesday.  And she doesn't look a day over 49!

I think there is no more musings...


  1. I love fly-lady, but can't believe you really "need her"!! I did get the e-mails for several years, but kind of "learned" her, The daily e-mails are great if you're really needing step by step help to get things together--I find now that I can go check up on the website if I need a kick in the pants--well, really just some good encouragement-reminders.
    I am also chuckling about your "back seat driver".
    Happy Monday!

  2. i think it's a hoot that you think you need flylady. you don't. but, you might figure out some other things to clean that you may not have ever thought of...she gets pretty detailed. not that i do what she says..i like to disobey her and i don't get her emails anyway because they're pesky and guilt inducing and redundant....haven't even checked her sight in quite awhile..maybe it should?...Happy B'day to your big sister!!

  3. that would be "site" instead of "sight"...hate it when i come across so uneducated.

  4. Oh you should have heard my dad laugh at your bathroom anecdote. :) It runs in the family!

  5. I totally let out a hoot of laughter at the bathroom story!
    And- although I've never been in your house, I sort of have a feeling you could teach the flylady a few useful things, too.
