Monday, December 26, 2011

United Pooch Service

Isn't what they letters UPS stand for?  Hi everyone!  It's Lisi again.  You thought I'd take it slower in the winter and not be up to my usual shenanigans.  Well, if you want excitement, you've gotta make it right?

The day before Christmas Eve, the Big Lady that yells but loves me anyway and one of the MYP decided to take me out on a little late-afternoon walk.  We had a great hike around the houses and ponds and I even got a good squirrel chase out of it.  Because I'm so incredibly obedient, Big Lady lets me walk without a leash most the time as I find them so undignified.  We came around the bend and there was the big brown truck!  That thing roars in and out of our neighborhood every afternoon.  It has been coming more often lately.  And it is full of boxes for people.  There are even two guys in brown uniforms working in tandem these days.  One of the guys was racing up to a house with a box and I thought I'd go join him!  You see one time a very long time ago, they threw out some treats to me.  We dogs remember kindness.  Like all our lives.  I have a Grandpa that buys me special treats and comes to our house and feeds them to me until I nearly feel sick.  But I wouldn't stop nosirreee.  You see it makes him all happy throwing them to me.  So I do what a dog has gotta do.

This guy gets down and gives me a good rubbing all over and then starts running back to the truck.  I already love him to the moon and back.  I hear Big Lady yell in her annoying way.  "LISI!  COME!  LISI!  FRONT!"  Nothing is going to work for her.  Because this guy is running back to the truck.  The truck has another real friendly guy.  And beyond all this, I'm sure they have a treat for me.  So I hop into the truck.  Would you believe Paul McCartney was blasting on the radio.  The song?  "Simply having a wonderful Christmas time".  No lie!  And that I was!  I got right between the two front seats and sat down.  I looked out the front window.  There was Big Lady looking all serious and determined and mad that I was sitting there having a wonderful time at Christmas.  The two guys in brown suits were laughing.  Big Lady offers up apologies.  And then yanks me off the truck.  And just like that, the fun was over.

Yeesh.  She's really one crabby lady.  I heard she said she was today.  But I think she tends to get that way often.  But don't tell her I said that.  She might not rub me in all those special places if I get on her wrong side.  But I doubt it.  She's smitten with me in every way.  Don't let her tell you otherwise.


  1. lol...
    something else!

  2. Dear Lisi- I once knew a dog who went into a barking frenzy if you simply said 'UPS' to him! Such a fun dog!
    So, I wonder if the fact that dogs remember forever who gave them a treat is the reason that my mom the mail carrier doesn't carry dog treats? If she knew you, Lisi, I'm sure she'd have a special pat, scratch and a rub for you... but I doubt that she'd have a treat! Good for her that she's so far away from you, eh? ;)
