Thursday, January 5, 2012

Thursday's thoughts...

Lisi keeps scratching at the window wishing I would come out and play.  Or at least take her for a walk on this balmy 41 degree day.  And I will.  But you my dears, come first.

So much for winter!  Or not.  At least this week looks nice.  I'm just hoping winter doesn't finally find us sometime in April.

I was running out of kitchen cleaner last night.  Did a quick search.  And made my own simply by putting a cup of water, a cup of white vinegar, and a drop of dish detergent in the same bottle.  Works like a charm!  I'm all for saving pennies.  So we can spend it on bigger things like...

Washers and dryers and microwaves.  Yes, I realize we don't have to have a microwave.  But they are handy.  And ours makes 'clicking' sounds and refuses to heat on a whim.  Think we've narrowed down the laundry appliances to two choices.  But we haven't pulled out the credit card yet.

Did you know when the toilet paper roll is getting near the end that everyone must simply use less so they don't have to replace it?  That's what happens at our house anyway.  And speaking of oddities, I notice when the kids are being obnoxious or loud or fighting to the nines, I tend to drive faster.  Not that our darling MYP would ever misbehave.

This week I had a physical.  It was what you usually expect.  She checked here and there and everywhere.  I tell her about a symptom I've been having for a few weeks.  She immediately pulls on a string that says, "PULL IN CASE OF EMERGENCY", or not.  But my scanning appointment for the end of the month was immediately changed to within two days.  Doctors have strings they can pull you know.  Anyway, I go in this morning.  I have my scan.  They take a couple more.  Finally, "Donna" (who I might add is about the nicest lady in our county) says that they want to do an ultrasound as well.  I haven't had one of those for nearly ten years and that was for a very good (and smarty-pants blonde) outcome.  This time it was because they see something.  I'm feeling a lump grow in my throat.  I'm now worried.  After a few minutes of looking and clicking and checking, she tells me it all looks like something that isn't cancer and wouldn't become cancer.  I am utterly relieved.  I text the Chairman.  And then I quietly get dressed and head out the door.  But two times I waited ten minutes alone in a room with over-used magazines.  For twenty minutes I was wondering if this was my time.  My time to have something wrong with me.  But it wasn't.  For some it is their time.  And there but for the grace of God, go I.  It makes me thankful again for good health.  And makes me want to love and care and encourage those that it is their time to fight something.  

And so I must head out for my daily dose of vitamin D, companionship with the pooch, and hopes of seeing the guy I saw yesterday blasting down the road in his convertible!  He did have a hat on, so I'm certain he was warm.  The upper-midwest.  Winter ain't winter unless it's below zero...


  1. Thankful for good outcomes! Health is a precious treasure!!

  2. glad you're ok..sorry for the anxiety . tho'!! you had me worried there for a few sentences!!!

  3. My sis and I took a last minute trip to NE just after New Year's. There was a stretch of driving that was 2 hours but that was the short stretch. The others were 6 and 8 hours. At one point, my sis asked- What do you think would happen if we just put in ear plugs and drove? I said- We'd get pulled over by the cops because there'd be kids flying out the back and we wouldn't stop... ;)
    I hear you about being thankful for good health. Glad your check came back ok. xo
