Thursday, April 26, 2012

Thursday's Thoughts

This story made me chuckle this morning.  I didn't want to spend the $30 for her last cookbook, so was looking up a recipe and came across this story.  She really nails the kind of 'funny' I enjoy reading.  I'm funny like that.

I may have found a near-perfect chocolate chip cookie recipe thanks to a farm girl from Iowa.  I'd post the recipe, but she did already on FB.  And there might be trademark infringements if I did it without asking.  I'm respectful like that.

Speaking of food.  I made split-pea soup for the first time ever.  How did it go with the family?  It was a success!  It did look more than slightly like a filled baby diaper.  One of the MYP was almost going to imply that.  But stopped mid-sentence out of fear respect of the cook.  He's smart like that.

I have a relatively new washer/dryer set.  The washer alone has 13 different settings and of those settings, you can actually override the preset spin speed, rinse temperature, etc.  Do you know what I use?  Normal Wash.  Normal dry.  I'm daring like that.

Track meets are exciting boring.  Well actually they are exciting for the 13 seconds your child is whizzing past you on the track.  Otherwise, it is lots and lots and lots of waiting.  I did get a chuckle over Mr. Helicopter Parent screaming at his child as she went by... "Breathe Lauren!!!  Breathe!!!!"  Um.  Mr. Helicopter Parent.. I think she's doing that on her own thankyouverymuch.  I'm observant like that.

After school yesterday, I suggested to the MYP that we should make a pilgrimage to Costco for some provisions.  I said I wanted them to come to offer up input on items they'd like in their lunches.  Pssst.  Don't tell them.  But It was nice to have three extra pairs of hands helping unload the van.  I'm lazy like that.

Saw this on FB tonight.

It made me smile.  And I think secretly, the Chairman would think it was just the best thing ever.  But he would never admit it.  He's wise like that.

Someone mentioned (ahem Ethel) that bloggers tend to be introverted people that hide behind a screen.  I keep trying to do some introspection wondering if that is me.  I'm thinking it is.  I'm shy like that.

Ok... I'm exhausting myself.  Can't imagine how your eyeballs feel.  I'm considerate like that.


  1. I'm so glad you are like that.

  2. What Brenda said. :) By the way, I don't think I'm the farm girl from Iowa that you were talking about per se, but this post did remind me that I meant to come over here and offer up my chocolate chip cookie recipe. There are some alterations I made at the bottom of the recipe to make them perfect (you'll see them in italics at the end of the recipe) as I like them to be soft and chewy -

  3. You agree with Ethel that some bloggers are shy? Hmmm, guess I do to. For instance, I've never dared to speak to you in person, but I do sometimes leave a comment on your blog. Come to think of it, we've never even crossed paths. Well, be brave enough to go to Menomonie this fall, that's where me n the little wiffie hang out for, oh, about 4 days. :)

  4. This post made me laugh, especially the picture. I'm probably an introvert like that. Ethel may be on to something.

  5. is there something wrong with the chocolate chip recipe on the back of the dark chocolate Ghirradelli chocolate chip bag from Costco? They come in large sizes there...

    yeah. i'm so introverted i can't even use my real name to blog. i'm getting a real kick out of seeing that people don't think i'm introverted. it has raised my self esteem perhaps overly much in my acting abilities.

    i, too, am glad you're "like that" ..That was a perfect comment for this post!
