Monday, September 24, 2012

Monday Musings

I'm one of the few that like Mondays.  I know 95% of the reason is because I don't work outside the home.  Quiet is finally restored after a lot of commotion for a couple of days.  The other 5% is because of musing...

Since none of you showed up to help me stack wood, I did it myself (said the little red hen, said the Big Lady).

The parenting magazines tell you that as parents, you should go on a date once/week or at the very least, once/month.  We've gone on real dates approximately once/five years.  And now I know why.  Daughter #1 had a babysitting gig a couple days ago.  She was paid $15/hour! Is that normal?  I am glad I haven't called a sitter much because the sitter would have really looked at me oddly when I would have handed her/him a $10 and thought it was good.  I'm thinking with that kind of pay I should wipe some noses and entertain some small fry!

I did have a job this weekend!  I worked at the concession stand for the football team.  Let me say this.  Concession food isn't for the faint of heart.  Literally.  Health food it ain't.  But I had a blast working there anyway.

So son #1 and I needed to go to the eyeglass place.  After 11 1/2 months of faithful use, the frames had simply had enough and broke.  We had been in there about five minutes when another couple came in.  'Does anyone in here have the gray Honda out front?'.  My immediate thought.... this isn't going to be good.  They are not calling out for the owner because they admire the styling or want to know where to buy one for themselves.  Um.  Yes?  It is ours.  They proceed to tell me the van was just hit by a driver leaving the lot and she drove away.  But!  They had her license plate number.  So the police were called.  Accident reports written.  And then after all that was accomplished, I called the Chairman.  I didn't want him to have a stroke until the details were finalized.  An hour later, the local police department called to say they found her (no valid license), and she was unaware that she hit my van.  *sigh*.  I think a citation or two was issued.  And now I have a nice scrape on my van's rear to show for it.  The silver lining is that the eyeglass lady felt so sorry for the situation that she gave son #1 a free replacement frame after hearing of the accident.

I'm embracing fall this year.  Don't ask me why.  I remember leaving our fall annual privilege as a kid and looking sadly out the window at dry corn fields thinking that all joy was over.  Now comes cold, dreary winter with blizzards and snow and dark and school.  Well actually, it was the truth.  But this year (so far anyway), I've enjoyed donning my fleece and slippers and making pumpkin bread.  Please don't remind me of this post come mid-February.

Simba is still nearly averaging one mouse/day with a collar/bell around his neck.  I'm thinking once we take that off he should get two/day without the noise distraction... He's gotta earn his keep you know.

And finally.  This comic made me smile yesterday.  You see, I have an irreverent niece that has always liked to wiggle the back flap of skin on my arm and say, 'lunch lady arms'.  Apologies to any of you that work in the educational food service area. Zits Cartoon for Sep/23/2012


  1. I think you meant the little gray hen . . . .

  2. hahaha! good thing I wasn't drinking my coffee when I read the comic!
    My thoughts about liking Mondays this morning were exactly the same as yours! Score for SAHM's!

  3. Dear Big Lady,

    Please don't quit your day/evening/24 hours a day job, you are an awesome blogger and we would all miss chuckles without ya!

    Thanks for some Monday laughs!


  4. At that rate, we wouldn't go on a date night every week, either. We're cheap skates and pay $6/hour, but the boys are easy and they get to work on their homework while they're there. Our date nights consist of pizza, grocery shopping and a movie. When there was a baby in the mix this past weekend, we did pay $12 an hour, though. I think I might need a Simba in my life. No signs of mice yet, but I'm waiting. Always happens this time of year. Last year, we got nine in a row.

  5. highly recommend dates no matter the price. just sayin' but you seem to be happy and fine. they're always worth it.
    'nother thing..i think if you don't increase your font size i'm going to have to wear my glasses while blogging. eyes are goin' bad!! i'm old!!
    and next but not least..we call them "bingo arms" here and they are the reason..well my kids saying that i have them are the reason for my obsession with doing Insanity workout as of late. I'm trying soo soo hard to rid myself of bingo arms and it's all just a joke. but it's fun! don't know if they'll ever disappear!! Happy Fall!!

  6. Like always, enjoy your blog and awesome sense of humor! Thanks for posting.

  7. Ha Ha...I've heard of lunch lady arms, but this bingo wings is a new one! A great giggle!!

  8. Ha ha! Great comic! :) My little girl just asked me this week if I had juice in my arms! :)

  9. Enjoyed your musings as usual! :) You can embrace Fall for me too cos I'm missing out this year!! I may be shivering in the AC in Florida but it's still hot and humid outside! I'm trying to enjoy the 'cool' while I have it! ;)

  10. $15 an hour??!!! Why I remember back in my baby sitting days... wait that will make me sound old. I would love to have some of the friends children baby sit for us but since we don't have any means to pay them we just use their parents. Which we haven't done much.
    I have bingo wings!!!

  11. $15 an hour is outrageous! She should keep that gig! I wish I had wood to stack. We haven't done that yet. Need to get on that or baby will freeze this winter!
