Saturday, December 15, 2012

A Mother's Heart

I try to not let current events get me uptight.  We live in an ever-changing, and at times, worsening world.  I have tried always to step back and realize that a lot of emotion that I could vest on an election, a current event, a tragedy, or whatever would actually be wasted energy.  I cannot change what has, is, or will happen.  But yesterday was different.

We live in a very similar area.  Our school is much like the one described.  We even have the adjoining fire station where the kids would run to for safety.  I was one of those mothers...

I was one of those mothers standing in the cold parking lot waiting for my child (children).  I was cold and shivering.  I was distressed.  I was thinking of all the ways to comfort that child when he/she got safely to me.  I wanted to tell him/her I loved them.  I wanted to see their face and feel their touch.

Then for the first time in years, I cried real tears over a current event.  I cannot fathom the unbelievable distress those parents are feeling.  For some, that little one isn't coming home.

After I heard of the terrible events, the main thought in my head was, "I can't wait to see the kids".  They came in as usual.  But the usual commotion was wonderful.  The voices sweet.  The faces beautiful.  The lives of these children are only gifts loaned to us.  For some parents, the gift is returned to the sender more quickly than it should be.  For others, they never see the gift returned in their lifetime.

I just want to value the gifts we've been given....


  1. I completely agree with your sentiment. As I lay in bed last night my thoughts were that I know those babies are comforted by God so my prayers are for the families that will forever feel the loss. They will need God's comfort and the support of all around them. Peace, love and caring to all in need.

  2. Very nicely written. Especially like the part about returning the gift to the sender. Sobering.
