Friday, March 8, 2013

Just because

Can you tell I've had some time on my hands?  I can't iron or make bread or vacuum.  So might as well surf the web for silliness.  

My arm hurts.  A lot.  In certain positions I want to yell out "OUCH".  But I don't because I'm so good at suffering in silence.  Or not.  So my hair is a mess.  And the house will be one soon if I don't rally the MYP to help out after school.  

Yesterday, I was trying to find something soft and easy to put on.  I was standing in the closet with one of the darling MYP that live here and I said, 'I think I'll wear this ugly sweater today'.  The cherished child said, 'which one?  For you, every day is ugly sweater day.'  Thanks my sweetums.

I promise... next week I won't post so often.  Hopefully I can iron and vacuum and get back to reality.


  1. Well, I laughed out loud at some of this wonderful silliness. But I'm not laughing about the shoulder. Ack. Hope a couple more days makes all the difference!

  2. LOL at Renee's comment, because I had the same thought. I am glad you haven't lost your sense of humor tho. I really had to laugh at the "ugly sweater part.
