Monday, June 3, 2013

Monday Musings

To o' the morning on this Monday for some musings...

Walked around the yard this morning and was enjoying the miracle of spring once again.
Sugar snap peas
Starting to look pretty!
A lovely bush.  But the blossoms just.  plain.  stink.
I bought a knock-out rose for the first time.  It has settled into the soil nicely and is starting to knock me out with pretty flowers.  I should have bought one years ago... but I don't like roses much.  Why you ask?  Because I don't like thorns.  I finally decided I would get one because I like the flowers and would live with the thorns.  The symbolism and similarity to life is hard to miss.

Last night I was told I was just like "Mrs. Ratcliffe".  It was right after I did my (cough-cough) 60 sit ups in the boot camp bedroom.  We were laughing and joking around until I realized it was 9:12 and this someone should have brushed her teeth and washed her face and powered down in quietness already.  After two comments of encouragement I started to take action.  As she scurries away she's yelling, 'you're just like Mrs.  Ratcliffe!!!'.  Um.  Who is she?  She's this really bizarre substitute teacher we've had that goes from smiling and laughing to super-crabby in just a second.  I'm kind of the bipolar of mothers must be.

I have such a love-hate relationship with library materials.  Right now we are missing a 'Foxtrot' comic book.  I've swept the house til I could find it.  And I haven't.  The joy of finding it is unbelievable.  The irritation in not finding it is unbelievable.  Yes... a love-hate relationship.

Today is a red letter day in our household!  Sorta.  One year ago today we brought this little fella home.

I was not going to get attached.  I refused to hold him on the ride back to our house.  He was strictly to be an outside cat that came and went on his every whim.  He was here to simply amuse the children and catch mice.  And then I lost my resolve about day 1 1/2.  He was adorable and cute and funny and smart.  He never once had an accident.  He listens to the rules and so far has abided by them.  Only one chair is his.  Never-ever get on a counter.  Yes, he's really a great cat.  He loves a good cuddle.  He loves to follow me everywhere.  He and Lisi have a true sibling relationship.  It can be this:

Or this:

He's funny and sweet and I'm completely smitten.

Ok.  I promise to not plaster our puddy-cat on the the pages of this blog again for a long while.

But before I leave, here's a funny picture I saw last night.  tee-hee.  Ever wondered what a cat looks like from underneath?

Now back to looking for that blasted book.  I won't rest til I find it.  Or until Mrs. Ratcliffe appears and tells the MYP to start looking...


  1. Oh thank Monday morning amusement is complete!

  2. I love the kitty photo on the rock, beautiful! And the underside, hilarious, thanks for the chuckle!! Happy summer!!

  3. Offer a reward for the one who finds it. However, I found a book months after it was lost, grrr.
