Monday, March 24, 2014

Monday Musings

I'm officially sick.  I did manage to avoid the flu all winter (no shots here!), but have finally succombed to sickness.  It isn't all that bad.  I think it is called spring fever.  The forecast looks promising for my fever to break.  Or my spirit...

I had a slight panic last night before bed.  I realized it was to be Monday today and I feel I have little to muse.  There's a lot of pressure to be interesting, amusing, and encouraging when sometimes life is mundane, blase, and even bleh.  Oh well, maybe next week...

Here's the results of my new enterprise.  The Chef has now moved into the business of hardwood floor restoration.  Or not.  I just hope the finish stays on a bit longer than six weeks so I don't have to do it again.

Here's the result of a battle over a bed:
You can see who won the latest round.

It's mad around here this March!  You see I'm not into basketball in the least.  But I have some relatives who enjoy it quite muchly.  An offer to participate in a bracket.  I'm guaranteed to be close to last place.  But oh well.  At least I didn't pick my teams based on pretty jerseys like someone I know.

The latest on the war on eczema is as follows.  I'm now currently using comfrey ointment on it.  And it seems to be doing the trick!  In the past 18 hours I have not had any desire to bite off my thumb so I consider it a success. 

Congrats and welcome to baby Greyson to our extended family!  Too bad he lives 1,700 miles away!

Well time to lace up my bootstraps and get the pine balsam window box filler pulled out.  Maybe if I do that the daffodils will start popping out.  One can only hope...

1 comment:

  1. The daffodils are poking up here. I know a good floor finisher or two if you need one. ;-) Someone told me you can fight eczema by drinking aloe juice, which can be found a health food stores. Haven't tried it myself....
