Monday, December 8, 2014

Monday Musings

Can I let you in on a secret today?  I can?  Well here goes.  I feel lazy.  I feel unmotivated.  I feel like crawling into a cocoon and not coming out for a few days.  In fact, I (gasp!) don't really feel like blogging.  However, the usual tasks await and I will continue plodding along.

The other day, I was alone in the house except for one child who was in bed sick.  I could have done so many different things with my alone time.  What I chose to do is what makes me happy.  I love baking.  I made a pie, cookies, and some dinner rolls.  Yes, I did have some people coming over, but really I did it more for me than for the company.  Some craft.  Some read novels.  Some eat bags of chocolate.  I guess my 'happy place' is in the kitchen.

I've had some spots on my face that my general doctor wanted a dermatologist to look at.  So after waiting a couple months, I finally got in to see him.  This doctor of dermatology graduated from the University of Iceland in Reykjavik.  Do you sense the irony I did?  Dermatologists often deal with skin damage as a result of the sun.  Maybe I should do some research, but my hunch is the sun doesn't shine all that much in Iceland.  Maybe he was a flunkie and that was the field of choice since no one else wanted to go into dermatology.

All silliness aside, he was excellent.  He seemed to be about my age.  Had a slight accent and walked in with a beautiful mop of gray hair and perfect skin.  He's a pretty good billboard of skin care.  I had the obligatory full-body scan.  There's nothing like sitting on some butcher paper in a gown that doesn't tie up the back and having a perfect stranger with perfect skin look for suspicious moles and what-not.  He did freeze off a couple spots off my face that were pre-cancerous.  You don't have to send get well cards quite yet.  I am healing nicely.

This morning, son #1 asked me to check to see how long the freezing rain was going to continue.  I plopped down with my smart phone to check.  However an email came in I needed to respond to.  I peeked at Facebook.  I looked at the calendar to see if I had anything pressing this morning.  Pulled up the news to see if the world had ended yet.  Then as I set the phone down, he says, 'well?'  'Well what?' I ask.  'How long is the rain going to last?'  Um.  I didn't check.  Then he proceeds to tell me, 'you are just like that old lady in the comics yesterday'.  Thanks!  Which old lady?  Then he told me and here she is.
Well since I feel lazy, I don't think I'm going to blog any more.  And since the MYP will be coming home within an hour and I have a slightly long list to tackle before they come, I best get started.  I'm thinking daughter #2 wouldn't be too impressed if I told her her basketball jersey was still wet in the washing machine before her playoff game in two hours.  

Happy Monday!  Hopefully I can be a bit less lethargic the next time your eyes glance this way.


  1. I feel bad for my family! My therapy is definitely NOT baking or the kitchen...wish yours & Brenda P. good influence would rub off on me! Bummer for my family! ;)

  2. I can relate with T. Cody and I do that to each other all the time. It's slightly annoying. Hope you survived the rest of your day :)

  3. When I don't feel like doing anything I knit, today I am using my enforced rest day to blog.
