Friday, April 24, 2015

Feverish Friday

No, I'm not that busy - feverish.  It is because there was a couple days of fever here.  Our 'baby' succumbed to a bad stomach bug/fever/icky for a few days.  It was kinda pleasant to have her around during the day.  After day one she asked me, 'what if I lose weight?'.   To most of us, that is a pleasant side-effect of sickness.  Not to a skinny 12-year old.  One thing that was sweet was that at least twice when I would go up to her room and sit by her on the bed she would say, 'I like it when you are here'.  I like it that she told me that.  Really, as a mom, I didn't have much to offer but a cup of cold water with ice chips and some slightly-stale crackers.   But to a sick girl, it is perfect.  I  love being a mom.

I read a quote today that made me smile:

 "Cleaning the house with your kids home is like brushing your teeth while eating Oreos".    

Last night I was thinking of a cartoon with a picture of a man with a thermometer and a hot water bottle on his head.  So I did a Google images and one came up.  I looked to see where the site was that it came from and it said, "The Chairman and Company".  WHAT?  So apparently I used that exact cartoon a couple years ago.  I went to 'visit the site' and there it was.  Also there was a post on that page about having 'blogging burnout' and I was going to stop writing.  Ha.  Guess that makes me a liar.  

I just was out mowing our lawn this morning.  When I mow, it looks like a happy home haircut.  When the MYP or the Chairman mows, it looks like the lawn went to a salon.  I'm not sure why that is.  But hopefully, they tell me I do such a bad job that they always want to do it themselves. 

I saw this video the other day.  Yes, time moves faster the older you get.  The one benefit to this awareness is that I find myself not wanting to squander time away.  I realize each day I live is one day closer to not living.  Morbid I know.  But that's reality.  It seems like lately, I've been wanting to do things that really matter.  Stop and smell that flower.  Take a deep breath of that fresh air.  Throw balls at the dog if she comes up with one in her mouth.   Put down that phone or iPad when the MYP or the Chaimran are present.  And most importantly, take the time for the most important things.  I fail at it so much, but at least I can keep trying.

Here was daughter #1 and me the night we were heading out to celebrate her "Gotcha Day".  Talk about time going fast... (wah!).  Almost sweet 16.  She's actually sweet 15 now... really.
Happiest weekend to you!  


  1. I think being sick is when you miss your mom the most (if she doesn't live close to you or with you). So far for me anyway. I'm sure that might change as I get older.

  2. I often forgot to check my Feedly app to see who updated their blogs... But I think you get the prize for consistency... Always enjoy the updates from and about your family.

  3. I often forgot to check my Feedly app to see who updated their blogs... But I think you get the prize for consistency... Always enjoy the updates from and about your family.

  4. I often forgot to check my Feedly app to see who updated their blogs... But I think you get the prize for consistency... Always enjoy the updates from and about your family.
