Monday, June 22, 2015

Monday Musings

There's a raging storm outside right now.  So if I suddenly disappear and quit typing, you'll know I'm in the basement.  Oh wait, that's not how it works.  Well anyway, lets Muse!

 Last week while our wood floors were being coated, we were homeless, so these kind people took us in.  They shared with us pizza and doughnuts and fresh garden goodness.  We spent most of the day on the patio just quietly visiting.  I'm so glad they took us in.
You know those scary prison escapees out in NY that haven't been captured?  Why in the world do they put on the newsfeed that they are getting closer to capturing them?  Wouldn't you want to keep that quiet until they actually were captured?  Nothing like telling the opposing team your next move.

So it is birthday season here at the Chairman and Co!  Four birthdays in the next three weeks.  It started with this birthday.

I don't want to get too schmaltzy because I think Son #1 does read this blog at times (unlike his father) and teenage boys tend to not like schmaltzy and he may or may not just shove me over to the couch or a nearby chair and then push me down harder in a very non-loving way that teenage boys do.  But I will a bit anyway.  He is now 15.  He was a gift given to us as a little 8 lb. + baby who has grown and blossomed into a kind young man.  He has a memory of an elephant and can name about any of our friends and who they are related to in our area.  He is a math whiz.  He loves to fish, hunt, fix something.  And he loves to pester his sisters to the point of annoyance.  But most importantly, he has already figured out what really matters in life.  I often catch myself thinking how incredibly blessed we are to have him as our son.  Even if he shoves me into a corner of the couch when he doesn't know what else to do.

We had a pile of teenagers here over the weekend.  Let me tell you - teenagers eat more than toddlers in case you didn't know.  I'm glad for nice young people  that live around here.

I'm also glad that we get to have "Irish Twins" for three weeks.

Then there was Father's Day.  Be still my heart.  Who are those people next to the Chairman?
So one of our daughters and I were shopping and saw this hammock.  We've never had a hammock and we thought, 'wouldn't this be a fun Father's Day gift?'  It was at a brag price of $70 from a fake-higher price and it was the perfect color to match our other outdoor stuff.  We got it and presented it to the Chairman after his bacon-wrapped tenderloin Father's Day dinner.  He looks at it and snickers.  Then smiles.  Then laughs out loud.  He doesn't like it.  I can just tell.  He then said, 'this is just one step away from the coffin.  This is the kind of gift you give people when you know they can't do anything else.'  I am starting to feel hurt.  The MYP were eagerly telling the Chairman all the reasons why he would like a hammock.  The put it together and drag him outside.  He likes it...

Well this is enough for now!  We pick strawberries tomorrow.  It'll be a blast pulling the MYP out of bed early for that.  Trust me.

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