I posted "60 things you should say to your children" on our refrigerator. The MYP thought it was all a hoot of a joke and read them and laughed and laughed (at me). Then they went even further and were saying all the things I really say to them "GET OUT OF BED!" "KNOCK IT OFF!" "SET THE TABLE"... and yes, in a yelling tone. ((sigh))
Before the extreme wind/chilly weather came in, we hit the slopes on Saturday. I'm not a great skier. I've only skied really for a couple years. I can safely get down the hills. I came back from our Colorado skiing adventure last spring without any cast on. But the first run every year gives me the willies. I'm kinda slow like that.
Last night it was windy and cold. I even screen shot my phone so you could see it was a -25 wind chill factor. Lisi and I headed out for a bit, but she decided to turn around before I did. I had on two layers of pants and she did not. Doesn't seem fair does it? Lisi is really good at selfies these days.
This was on my FB feeder and it isn't funny. Too bad she wasn't dressed for the elements.
I took one of those silly on-line quizzes a couple days ago. I thought the results were spot-on. Hardly. I agree number three. The rest? Not so much.
It got me thinking though. What are four things that I couldn't live without? I came up with a lot more, but here are the top four anyway: 1) my faith, 2) my family, 3) my friends, and 4) my smartphone as it is my camera and organizer and planner and a host of other things.
So! This is it! I intend to nap by the fire for a few moments before I head into the arctic wind.
It took me years to be able to ski down a mountain without falling down. Just about the time I started to get comfortable with it, I'm not going to go anymore.