Monday, October 2, 2017

Monday Musings

Ok I lied.  I didn't type this on Monday.  I set it to post on Monday morning because I didn't want to say Sunday Musings because that's weird.

What did people do before cell phones and texting?  I actually should remember this myself since I vividly remember getting my first cell phone 17 years ago.  We have one of our MYP returning from a special place and we have been texting quite often tonight on the logistics of when/where to meet.  For the life of me. I can't remember how we did it before.  Maybe we just didn't go anywhere.

I'm pretty much totally responsible for feeding my family of five, plus one cat, dog, and hamster.  I find that if the house is stocked with plenty of food and I have meals planned out I'm in a much better mood.  There's even bonus good-feelings if I actually have meals prepared and waiting in the freezer.  Yesterday, I did up a large batch of clam sauce and coconut curry.  I was almost giddy as I saw the completed meals sitting there on the stove.

There's an old country song that has these lyrics, 'life's about changing nothing ever stays the same...'.  and really that's true.  Babies continually change.  Growing teens are going through major decisions and burgeoning independence.  As parents, we go from being the center of the universe to these little souls to a place to check in with when they need it.  Marriages need to continually adjust to the different phases life throws at us.  My dear mom is going through a major experience with my dad now gone.  The house is too quiet.  The supper table has one plate set.  Yes, life is full of continual adjustments from birth to the grave.  I'm still trying to negotiate through this wonderful journey of life.  I think the best way to handle all the adjustments is to just appreciate today.  Because tomorrow will be different.  Sounds good, right?  I may or may not have cried just a little when I waved off one of our MYP for an extended weekend a couple states away.  😬  She sent this photo which warmed my heart.  The eldest in my brother and my families.

We enjoyed Lake Michigan this afternoon.  It was so pretty if you closed squinted your eyes you would have almost thought you were in the Caribbean.  However, there was a brisk wind so not really.  But it was pretty anyway!

Well this is enough.  I'm off to retrieve the last nestling very soon from his weekend away.  Have a great week!

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