Thursday, January 4, 2018

It's been a month

Sorry I haven't blogged!  I either didn't feel like it, was too busy, or I was sick.  I'll try to bullet some thoughts as condensed as my fingers will allow.

I've been sick.  Nothing serious.  A head cold that decided to race down to my chest and vocal chords almost immediately.  I've had little or no voice for a week.  I sound like I have liked a lot of Marlboro's in the past.

I had the privilege of babysitting our little near-six month old friend recently for two days.  He's sugar-coated honey bombs.  Swoon.

We hear often of the bad moms of Walmart that scream at their kids for a no-good reason.  Well I witnessed several really good moms at Costco.  Quiet discipline.  Healthy snacks.  Happy children. 

My Bosch (bread machine) was in for repairs since I wore out its transmission.  Who knew mixers have transmissions?  I do now.  And for $177 (including shipping) it is back and working its magic.  I was embarrassingly happy when it returned.

I follow some sites of sick or injured children on Facebook.  It's fascinating and heartbreaking to see what these parents go through for their children. 

It's been super-de-duper cold here.  But the map says we're not alone.  The wood stove pumps out warmth and cozy vibes.  And another cord of wood will be delivered tomorrow morning to ensure we don't die of hypothermia.

I know many creatures big and small hibernate in the winter.  I think our cat has too.  He basically sleeps 22 hours a day and complains the other two hours he's awake.  He does go outside but not for long.

We had many loved ones in and out of our home and we were at other's homes for almost a week straight.  Some were friends.  Some were family.  Both loved the same.  It was so so nice.  And such a balm after losing my dear dad this year.  Yes, life moves on but it is nice to be surrounded by people that loved him just like you do. 

You know it was a very positive experience with family when the last day you are together of many days and you are talking where/when to make it happen in another year.

I don't know the future of the blog.  I seem to be posting more on Instagram and sometimes Facebook and maybe that fills my social media quota which makes me want to post less.  I don't know.  I still like writing though so we'll see what develops.

Happy 2018!


  1. Yup, it's cold here, too. I always enjoy reading your blog. I'm not doing too well on mine at the moment.

  2. Please take a moment to review "Emily's Virtual Rocket". ( This has reviews of transgender life, plus a critical view of Donald Trump. Thanks.
    Emily Shorette

  3. I miss your blog and my blog and reading blogs....and yet, I don't do it anymore.
    I wanted to give you a heads up that you have a spam comment up there. xo
