Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Why not Wednesday...

... instead of Thursday.  I have thoughts on Wednesdays as well.  But those are words.  Or it wouldn't be so awesomely clever.

It has been years since I last saw one.  In fact, I think the last time I even thought about it was when I was the participant.  You know... a Chinese fire drill!  I pulled up behind another car at a stop sign.  Out jumps a dad.  And all three other doors open and out jump his children.  They all were waving their hands in the air and circled the car twice and all got back inside the vehicle in different seats (except the dad-driver).  Then they turned around with big, sappy grins looking at me and off they went laughing hysterically.  It made me smile.

Remember the tick bite I wrote about?  Well getting out of the shower yesterday, it felt a little funny.  I lifted my arm and saw the Target Stores logo:
back of my arm
Oh no!  I thought.  A bull's eye?  I Google it like I do for anything medical.  Everything I read says it isn't good and I must go see someone.  So I did.  The doctor-lady at first looked at me skeptically when I told her about a tick bite 10 days ago and I was worried about it turning into Lyme.  Then I raised my sleeve.  And she said "Oh my!" and off I went with my prescription.  Next time I won't be so cavalier when a tick bites me.

On April 19, I wrote about the feelings of 'bittersweet'.  The reason for the thoughts was mainly because of my aunt.  She was very sick and frail and just in the last months has shown a greater interest in being in touch.  She reached out to some that care very much for her soul.  And she was soft-hearted.  She phoned me a couple of weeks ago.  Wanted to tell me about her serious illness.  She wanted to apologize for some past things that I had long since forgotten.  And she wanted to hear all about our little family.  We spoke of plans to see her in another week.  And then I was moved for the first time ever to say 'I love you' and that we care very much for her.

She died two days ago.  My dad's sister.  Her service will be the first weekend of June in the Twin Cities.  Yes, indeed.  Bittersweet.


  1. Yes, I'm in awe of your aunt, my ??cousin's last days...very touching!

  2. Oh dear. Sorry about the tick. More sorry to hear about you losing your aunt. But it sounds like her story had a good end all the same.

  3. I've always wondered if the bull's eye would be obvious and easily diagnosable. The photo answers that question. Was it a deer tick or a wood tick?

  4. That's a pretty good tick bite pic... I guess I'm glad to see it but sorry you have it. :(
    And sorry to hear about your family's loss.
