Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Musty Monday Musings

Because it is Tuesday.  So they must be musty.  Did you all feel like something was missing from your day yesterday?  That nagging feeling like something just wasn't right?  Well I'm certain it was because you hadn't mused with me!  Or so I like to think.

You see it has been very busy here at the Chairman's Chalet.  I noticed just like the rest of you that the Chairman decided to get involved in writing again.  I'm not at all certain what moves him to do such silliness, but he does.  And I read it with great fear and trepidation wondering what his innermost thoughts are.  

We have been over-privileged.  With lovely guests from far and near.  Some refused to let me take their picture at 6:45 in the morning, so I don't have a record of them.  But let me tell you, they were really nice.  Then another came to help celebrate a birthday on her way back to the muggy south.  I'll let the pictures speak for themselves.

Posting this mainly because all these people are really special for different reasons
Without further ado, I'll let you know that I finally went to an eye specialist for the afore-blogged eyelid.  I agree with the Chairman.  I'm not sure why I posted a picture of my face looking like that.  A moment of insanity.  Anyway, it got all serious-looking again and so I went.  The specialist looked about as crusty as my eyelid.  He was nice, but abrupt.  Gave my eyeball a few good pokes.  I slightly questioned him and he gruffly responded.  But a day later after drops and ointment, I woke up with no swelling! Have you heard of an infected oil gland on your eyelid?  I hadn't either.  Sorry all you cat-haters out there.  There's no connection.

Speaking of which.  Lisi is more humble and tends to take the lower place.  Don't worry, it'll be rewarded.
Here's a photo that I didn't take of some nice young men.  I'm so glad that our MYP have good friends nearby to be with.  And spending a day at a place with a pond stocked with fish is about as good as it gets.
I think this is enough musing.  I'm feeling busy as a bee.  And so I must buzz out.  (clever, eh?)


  1. Yes I felt something was missing yesterday and almost called to check on you. Well... at least post on your FB wall my concerns. I was quite sure how to take Mr Chairman... he can be funny in a serious way and serious in a funny way.... very talented. I do recommend that he gets his name to the side showing his post.
    Of which I do feel bad for Lisi... I like cats BUT dogs shouldn't have to give their place up for a cat.

  2. Wow, I agree with the comment above...poor poor Lisi...the cat has her lovely bed...she is a good good dog to be so sweet. Tell Mr. Chairman that his post was very interesting, but I think he sounds so intelligent that I was too intimidated to post a comment. Tell him not to let that discourage him from writing again, though!

  3. See? Told you I was worried about your eye..enough to check on you and read the whole post!! WOw...glad you got that fixed!! I was to a Dr. Recently and told my husband afterwards I didn't especially care for her ..as she was very abrupt. What's up with these abrupt Docs? Glad they fix us up anyway! Nice pics!! Do you walk in your sleep often?
