Thursday, June 7, 2012

Thursday thoughts

Is anyone else battling the end-of-school year piles of treasures kept in lockers this past year?  Considering I tend to be clutter-free, these next days make my skin crawl just a bit.

Numbers don't mean a lot to me in regards to this blog.  But I did find it fascinating that I've just past 60,000 hits since the birth of the Chairman's Wife.

Strawberries are in short supply up in these parts.  The place where I go said it is because of our mild winter.  Go figure.  We need to freeze in order to have good berries.  I do hope to go pick in the next day or so.  It would be considered a crisis if I didn't have some more jam in the freezer.

Ok I admit it.  I am smitten with the kitten.  Yesterday, I was needing to get a lot done around here and when he was awake, I wanted to play with him like some little kid.  He is such a funny rascal.  All two pounds of him.  When he sleeps, he crawls up to my chest, kneads his teeny-weeny paws a bit, then settles down to sleep.  I feel like a new mother again.

See what I mean?  

Exploring the great outdoors
I realize there are two camps of cat owners.  Those that treat them like the Egyptians did...and those that treat them like rodent-catchers that belong in a barn.  We are probably somewhere in between.

The pet store lady told me that dogs and cats are impossible to live with each other.  Oh?

Our almost-teen got braces this week!  Sometimes I catch my breath when I notice the MYP aren't little anymore.

Today I keep thinking of two special ladies that will hop a plane next week and head across the deep blue sea for the good of others.  It makes my heart seize a little to think they most likely won't be back in the states for five years.  But the best way we can help them is to encourage them to go - even though it makes our hearts ache.  They will get the greater joy and so will we.  I'm thankful for this day and age of communication no matter the distance.  And I'm just very, very thankful for them.


  1. Oh, I think that dogs and cats can co-exsist just fine! I also think it's much easier for each to adjust when it's a kitten, than introducing a full grown cat into the picture (or house...:) And, maybe the opposite is true too. We've had dogs & cats that curl up & sleep together, eat out of the same bowl. I'm enjoying hearing about your new addition!

  2. Thanks for all your thoughts! It's a funny thing how the heart can be so squeezed and happy all at the same time. I hate the leaving... but I love the being with the people (both sides of the ocean) whom I know and love! xo
