Monday, October 13, 2014

Monday Musings

Well here we go again!
Are you looking for something good?  Well not sure where my fingers will take us today.

I just got back from my annual physical.  Every time it is time for my annual appointment I start feeling sick.  I start feeling every ache and pain.  I wonder if something is really wrong with me.  So I drove over there.  A young nurse named "Kacie" took my height, weight, bp, pulse and oxygen rate.  In case you were wondering, my BMI is 21,  My weight is up a pound from last year so I figure if I live another 40 years, I might be a big old lady.  I was then told to strip down and put on 'the gown' and the large napkin to make me feel a bit less vulnerable I guess.  Just moments after I got up on the butcher paper table in walks my doctor.  She makes small talk and asks if I have any issues to discuss.  I can hardly think of any but I did offer up a couple things for her to investigate (which leads to more doctor visits).  It's just always slightly strange to sit there in my altogether visiting along about my family and life with someone I see not more than once a year.  I may or may not have worn the lightest clothes I own so I didn't cringe when I stepped on the scale.

I have a $1.00 rebate to mail in.  Somehow it seems kinda silly considering postage stamps currently are 49 cents and I would need to drive the rebate check to the bank.  

Riding along in the car last night, one of the MYP said in passing, 'you know that's why I like going to other people's houses.  They have such good food.  Their pantries have lots of junk food to eat.  Not like ours which is full of gross healthy stuff.'  I told her maybe some day she'd thank me for being healthy.  She said, probably not.  I heard a collective groan when I got out my crock pot this morning.  I assured them it was only for making applesauce today.

I saw a few things last night I enjoyed.  So here you go.

And finally:


  1. Most definitely an amusing muse.!!

  2. You're such a nut! Karen and I just laughed at the all. :-)

  3. I like frayed knots the best and my poor kids never thought I had anything in the house to eat. I said I did, you just have to cook it. Now my grandkids are beginning to think the same thing.
