I'm going to do it if it's the last thing I do today! It's Monday and Muse I must. It has been a doozy of a day. I think the dishwasher was run three times and the washing machine was continuous. The camper all cleaned out and wiped down and driven back to storage. Plus for a little added fun I cooked for the family and baked up four large pans of caramel-pecan rolls for some friends and family.
Anyway! I'm back! Yes I was away for our annual camping venture. I had the privilege of driving myself up to Door County all on my own. I had a near-miss accident on the way up (whew!) with a guy coming into my lane and I aimed for the ditch. I enjoyed to be alone in my thoughts for the 3.5 hours there and then again on the return. I sang along to many sad, country songs with the free satellite radio that was in the car. And I relished in silence and the good thoughts that only silence brings.
And so I met up with my dear family (minus the surgery patient) and many. many friends. Someone counted 60 of us together so I won't argue with that tidy number. It was pretty much exactly the same as the previous years. Good weather. Good company. Good plays. And of course good food. But the friends are what make it super-special. We had lots of funny, serious, and in-between visits here and there and around a campfire.
One of my favorite aspects of camping with a lot of our friends is the time we get to spend with teenagers from other families without their parents. We see a true reflection of who they are being raised by, yet see a beautiful person blossoming before us. I love how they love to sit and talk to us adults. Eat our food. And share some wonderful and distressing parts of their lives. Yes, sometimes it takes a village to raise these young people. And I'm really grateful to the others that tend and love on ours as well. There camping and elsewhere.
Our baby robins grew from bald, ugly babies to robins in just days. They still seem pretty ignorant about life and mom and dad keep coming in with worms and other delicacies and the big old things just open their mouths and wait for dinner. Yes, I'm still fascinated with them.
So the foot surgery recovery has been very, very long. The podiatrist saw her last Thursday and thought two open wounds were slightly alarming and he gave us some new medicine to try. Again, our dear patient has been very patient. But it's grueling and sometimes lonely to be 17 and spending most of the summer with your mom (I'm exciting, but not that exciting!) and within the four walls of home. We see light on the horizon but won't get too excited as of yet. Today we were talking and I said, 'this has been very grueling on both of us. I give you 90% credit and I think I deserve 10% for getting through this.' She said, 'Mom? I think you deserve 15%'. Awe. Thanks my sweet.
We've been considering future family trips since our oldest is going to be a senior and we want to do what we can while we can. We are thinking something fun, yet affordable. I see someone has lots of different windows open on the computer checking lodging and flights to Bora Bora. Please tell her this isn't possible. I don't want to break the news to her.
So this is probably enough Muse for today. I still marvel you come by to read. And I still find it somewhat odd that I'm feverishly typing up something to share on a Monday and some of you read it on a Wednesday or Friday night and it still almost makes some sort of sense. Or not.
Here's a few pics for you! Sorry nothing funny tonight! I hope to glean something off the worldwide web for next Muse! Happy rest of the week.
Monday, July 25, 2016
Wednesday, July 20, 2016
Whew it's Wednesday!
Yoo hoo! Anybody out there? I'm here! Kinda sorta. It's been a hectic past week.
Have you ever packed for camping? You have? Well then you know why I've been busy. If you haven't, it's like cooking and shopping for a family for a week and then taking everything you might possibly need for clothes, shoes, entertainment, food, hardware, bikes, etc. and stuffing that all into tiny places for its venture. I giggled when I heard one of our MYP say as she was packing, 'I'm not going to wear ugly camping clothes this year. I'm going to wear things that look nice.' Will be fascinating to see what that will be. Hopefully not high heels.
It's a weird year this year for the Chairman and Co. Due to the recent foot surgery, we are a fragmented family for this year's camping venture. Part of our family is gone already. And part is still home. I get to join them soon, but the surgery sufferer has to stay back due to high forecasted temperatures and feet that swell. This surgery recovery has been going good but it has been a very, very, very long process to get back to normal. And based on my research, it'll still be awhile. My patient has been patient and I love her for that. I love how the Chairman texted me after they had gotten the camper all set up and said, 'we miss your thinking'. At least I'm missed for something!
So the school supplies are all out in the stores already. One of the MYP said to me as we passed that area, 'I think I feel nauseous'.
I've been fascinated watching Mr. and Mrs. Robin tending their three babies on a nest right out my kitchen window. For several weeks they took turns sitting and sitting on the nest. Now the little ugly babies have hatched and they are frantically feeding them. So they're not on the nest near as much. Their parenting has had to change drastically as the needs changed. I think I learned something already.
I've also been fascinated watching Mr. and Mrs. Bluebird tending their three babies in our newspaper box. At first when I'd go out to get the mail or paper, they'd just flutter away. But now as they have growing baby bluebirds and time vested in them, it's a different story altogether. Mr. Bluebird comes in all kamikaze at me and nearly hits me in the head with his wings Every. Single. Time. It's quite funny and frightening all at once. Maybe that is why parents of teenagers are so wonky. We've invested so much time and effort to get them to this point that we for sure want them to make it safely. Naturally and otherwise.
Credit card companies are not all equal. I had an issue with one and was on hold for 1.25 hours before I got a person. Needless to say I was most irritated but I didn't say a thing to the kindly, middle-aged woman that took my call as I wanted my problem resolved - which it was. However, I took to Twitter and tweeted my issue to the company and within minutes they contacted me back and wanted to call me personally. Interesting. Then we had an issue with another card because someone had hacked into a system and was trying to fraudulently charge nearly $900 to our account. I called and there was an immediate answer and immediate resolution.
Have you ever packed for camping? You have? Well then you know why I've been busy. If you haven't, it's like cooking and shopping for a family for a week and then taking everything you might possibly need for clothes, shoes, entertainment, food, hardware, bikes, etc. and stuffing that all into tiny places for its venture. I giggled when I heard one of our MYP say as she was packing, 'I'm not going to wear ugly camping clothes this year. I'm going to wear things that look nice.' Will be fascinating to see what that will be. Hopefully not high heels.
It's a weird year this year for the Chairman and Co. Due to the recent foot surgery, we are a fragmented family for this year's camping venture. Part of our family is gone already. And part is still home. I get to join them soon, but the surgery sufferer has to stay back due to high forecasted temperatures and feet that swell. This surgery recovery has been going good but it has been a very, very, very long process to get back to normal. And based on my research, it'll still be awhile. My patient has been patient and I love her for that. I love how the Chairman texted me after they had gotten the camper all set up and said, 'we miss your thinking'. At least I'm missed for something!
So the school supplies are all out in the stores already. One of the MYP said to me as we passed that area, 'I think I feel nauseous'.
I've been fascinated watching Mr. and Mrs. Robin tending their three babies on a nest right out my kitchen window. For several weeks they took turns sitting and sitting on the nest. Now the little ugly babies have hatched and they are frantically feeding them. So they're not on the nest near as much. Their parenting has had to change drastically as the needs changed. I think I learned something already.
I've also been fascinated watching Mr. and Mrs. Bluebird tending their three babies in our newspaper box. At first when I'd go out to get the mail or paper, they'd just flutter away. But now as they have growing baby bluebirds and time vested in them, it's a different story altogether. Mr. Bluebird comes in all kamikaze at me and nearly hits me in the head with his wings Every. Single. Time. It's quite funny and frightening all at once. Maybe that is why parents of teenagers are so wonky. We've invested so much time and effort to get them to this point that we for sure want them to make it safely. Naturally and otherwise.
Credit card companies are not all equal. I had an issue with one and was on hold for 1.25 hours before I got a person. Needless to say I was most irritated but I didn't say a thing to the kindly, middle-aged woman that took my call as I wanted my problem resolved - which it was. However, I took to Twitter and tweeted my issue to the company and within minutes they contacted me back and wanted to call me personally. Interesting. Then we had an issue with another card because someone had hacked into a system and was trying to fraudulently charge nearly $900 to our account. I called and there was an immediate answer and immediate resolution.
serenaded with the ukelele even though I was trying to tell her to get to bed |
baby robins are so ugly and cute at the same time |
my dear wheelchair patient drooling over stylish shoes even though she's still stuck in surgical ones |
heh |
Monday, July 11, 2016
Monday Musings
So a big, heavy whew. You see four of my sweet family members all have birthdays within three weeks of each other. With birthdays come the need for buying presents, cooking and serving favorite foods. Inviting friends and family over to share in the celebrations. And one tired mom. I'm thankful this year more than ever for Amazon. I'm thankful for simple meals. And I'm thankful the birthdays are now behind us! Back to normal living whatever that is!
The recovering foot-surgery patient is making strides. Last week was two steps forward and one step back. After a partial stitch removal on both feet and re-dressing, the pain level was off the charts for an afternoon. It was honestly my hardest parenting day ever (and that says a lot considering the MYP all came within two years and I was taking care of basically three babies at once). I couldn't stop the pain for her for a few hours. It was horrible. Thankfully, a call to the doctor on after-hours call duty helped me. And so did the medicine once it kicked in.
Since we've had a wheelchair patient here, I've come to appreciate the American Disabilities Act. I've come to appreciate ramps and buttons to push doors open and friendly folks that are willing to help hold doors that don't have buttons. Perspective truly changes when you are walking in a different pair of shoes.
The Japanese beetles are back. I wish they would have stayed in Japan.
Son #1 walked up to me in the kitchen the other day and said, 'you're getting shorter again'. Um. I don't think the osteoporosis sets in that strong at 51. I have a hunch he's still getting taller.
Lisi went to the 4th parade and quickly made a new friend. She also was most pleased they threw out dog treats to the crowd and not just candy.
waiting for fireworks |
First thing on agenda? Shopping of course. |
This was my view for days last week. Poor sweetie. |
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Awe. Amazing how young people grow in just a few years. |
new hat from big bro |
birthday wakeboarding |
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I love her more today than I did that day in China. And that's saying a lot. |
Gift card from big bro |
awkward glowing family selfie |
festivities with friends |
family minus big bro |
friends! |
Monday, July 4, 2016
Monday Musings
Are you impressed? I'm giving you a Monday Musings on a Monday! And a holiday no less. You can thank our oldest daughter. Because of her, I'm pretty much stuck at home. So no excuses.
What's new? Not a whole lot. I've been confined to the house most all week. I did sneak away from here a few times for groceries or a walk. That helped. Plus I have friends and family that come visit. That really helps.
So today is the 4th of July! I have happy memories as a young girl about the 4th. We were sometimes gone on our annual two-week vacation somewhere in the country camping and attending a convention. Or we were at home and ate hotdogs and watermelon and had friends sit in our front yard to watch the fireworks shoot off at the nearby stadium. It always involved friends with us.
Then there is twenty-two years ago. It was another 4th of July on a Monday. I was living in the Minneapolis area. The Chairman was visiting me. I made us some sandwiches and we stopped at the local grocery store to get some fruit and flavored sparkling water (which I honestly don't like that well). Then we settled in to watch the fireworks in Richfield. After they were done I jumped up and started folding the blanket and was heading to the car with the crowd. The Chairman lingered behind me but then he caught up with me and we started to drive away. About part-way to our destination he spoke up and said, 'will you be the Chairman's wife?' (just kidding on the Chairman part). I gladly said yes although I was just. plain. shocked. that he was asking me for some reason. He had hoped to do it on the blanket back at the park where the fireworks had happened. I've never regretted my answer and am confident I never will.
So we are in the midst of birthdays. Our son had his a couple weeks ago. The Chairman had his just two days ago. And we have two more coming up in five and six days. Whew! Thank goodness for Amazon.com. Especially this year.
So without further ado, here's some pictures to enjoy! We are soon off with the wheelchair to a parade and hopefully fireworks later. Happy 4th!
What's new? Not a whole lot. I've been confined to the house most all week. I did sneak away from here a few times for groceries or a walk. That helped. Plus I have friends and family that come visit. That really helps.
So today is the 4th of July! I have happy memories as a young girl about the 4th. We were sometimes gone on our annual two-week vacation somewhere in the country camping and attending a convention. Or we were at home and ate hotdogs and watermelon and had friends sit in our front yard to watch the fireworks shoot off at the nearby stadium. It always involved friends with us.
Then there is twenty-two years ago. It was another 4th of July on a Monday. I was living in the Minneapolis area. The Chairman was visiting me. I made us some sandwiches and we stopped at the local grocery store to get some fruit and flavored sparkling water (which I honestly don't like that well). Then we settled in to watch the fireworks in Richfield. After they were done I jumped up and started folding the blanket and was heading to the car with the crowd. The Chairman lingered behind me but then he caught up with me and we started to drive away. About part-way to our destination he spoke up and said, 'will you be the Chairman's wife?' (just kidding on the Chairman part). I gladly said yes although I was just. plain. shocked. that he was asking me for some reason. He had hoped to do it on the blanket back at the park where the fireworks had happened. I've never regretted my answer and am confident I never will.
So we are in the midst of birthdays. Our son had his a couple weeks ago. The Chairman had his just two days ago. And we have two more coming up in five and six days. Whew! Thank goodness for Amazon.com. Especially this year.
So without further ado, here's some pictures to enjoy! We are soon off with the wheelchair to a parade and hopefully fireworks later. Happy 4th!
Lisi loves Grandpa coming to visit. |
Grandmas make things better. |
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Happy birthday to the Chairman! |
Working on crafts together. |
This perfectly explains some sibling relationships here. |
Heh |
Yep |
Especially this week |
This made me giggle. Maybe I've been in the house too long. |
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