Monday, January 9, 2017

I may have lied...

... or maybe not.  This isn't a Monday Musing.  However, it is considered blogging so that kinda-sorta makes me a liar.  I hope not because I know that lying is a terrible thing.  We've tried to teach our MYP that since they could understand.  And here I am being a lousy example to the watching eyes.

Anyway!  Here I am.  Just two weeks later typing up a blog post.  Why you ask?  Well to be perfectly honest, I was a bit sad that I wasn't going to blog anymore.  The Chairman asked me after I told him I was quitting, 'are you sure?'.  One of the MYP asked me the next day, 'don't you want to record special milestones?'  Then today I just read about the Pioneer Woman's sweet Basset Hound Charlie dying.  I got a bit teary-eyed of course and was thinking how much I would want to therapeutically write a post when Lisi finishes her days (which I hope isn't real soon).

So!  I may continue blogging but only at a pace that isn't every Monday.  Or maybe it will.  I have no idea.  I'll type along when inspiration strikes - if only for the amusement and record for our own family.  Will see.

So!  We just had our house bursting with family again.  I think the word 'blessed' is sometimes overused but I feel completely justified to use it when describing my own family.  I still have living and loving parents.  I have a sister and a brother who both have spouses I adore.  I have nephews and nieces who were adorable babies and now are friends to me.  And a good majority of them were with us for the weekend from far away places.  Yes, I am blessed and I have and always will give thanks for what I have.

If you know the Chairman, you might know that he isn't really big into changes (unless wheels are involved).  So the other day when I texted a picture of some furniture and asked him what he thought - I figured I'd wander off and that would be that.  He responded, 'sure'.  Oh?  Really?  A few more calls made and within an hour of walking into the store, I had three humongous boxes in my garage and a slight pit in my stomach.  Did I do the right thing?  What if he hates it?  How do I ever return this when it's all unpacked?  What in the world do I do with these mountains of cardboard?  Thankfully, it all passed the rigid test of the Chairman and the cardboard was mostly consumed with a pyromaniac, gas-in-hand son.

So the blessings of family also bring the mountains of sheets and towels that need to be run through the cycles.  I better go do something more productive.

So this is enough today!  Glad to touch base again.  Will just see how life unfolds and as inspiration strikes how much I type up on here.  Thanks for all your support!  💕



  1. I'm glad you didn't quit. I enjoy reading what you write.

    You didn't lie; you just changed your mind. There's a big difference.

  2. Love love that you are rethinking the end of blogging! Don't feel pressured...just blog when inspiration hits. Your family looks like just the kind of folks I love...and I DO know your parents and had the privilege of meeting your sis and brother in law recently, very lovable folks.

  3. Ditto, blog when you want to. It's no fun otherwise.

  4. Ditto the other blogging comments!
    And hey! Don't we get to see what was in those boxes?!!
