Monday, September 17, 2012

Monday Musings

I think I said a week ago that Thursday wouldn't have Thursday Thoughts because I wouldn't be thinking about blogs or mundane things.  And I was right.  But I didn't know just how right.  I'll be penning another post on that. 

Yes, the best one yet.  It always feels that way and I think it is supposed to.  I had the privilege of hugging a 90-year old and I telling her I loved her.  She immediately had tears and said that the older she gets, the more her Faith is a joy and the more others mean to her.  This lady has many children and countless grands and great-grands.  Yet, she always makes me feel like her granddaughter.  I love that because I no longer have a Grandma.

Daughter #1 launched forth into the teen bunks this year on her own.  We thought maybe two nights would be enough.  She looked at us like we were a bit loopy when I mildly suggested she might be better in the camper for the weekend.  Letting go... it's a very odd feeling when in your heart, your children are still babies.

I had the privilege of keeping the women's bathrooms clean, tidy, and usually smelling fresh with some other willing volunteers that I appreciated.  There is something uber-strange to get dressed up in your Sunday best and then go into a building and proceed to clean 20 toilets, four showers, and empty countless trash cans.  By day 2 I actually changed before I got the gloves and apron on.  The cleaner you keep a place, the more people want to do their part in keeping the standard high.  I like that about people.  I wish I could share a picture or two of our 'business' there, but I just have a hunch some ladies would think it strange for me to take pictures in a restroom.  

I loved our days.  LOVED them.  But as we neared home, I was feeling guilty.  Why?  Well I was so happy to be getting home again.  Then it hit me.  I shouldn't feel guilty.  Being happy in your place is exactly what we are supposed to be.  So as I pulled up the flannel sheet, turned off the light, and sighed contentedly, the guilt was gone.

The pets.  They survived quite well.  I actually was afraid Simba was going to be road kill while we were away.  But he was there waiting for us with joy rushing out of the garage door and down the street as soon as we drove in.  Cats are warm and fuzzy like that.  Lisi?  She had her head tucked under my arm all the way home from the kennel making purring noises.  This morning she started in again like we had been gone for 3 1/2 years.  No wonder people love dogs.  They are good for your self-esteem.

We came home to a plugged black water tank on our camper.  If you are familiar with campers or rv's, you know what I'm talking about.  Luckily, I enjoy plumbing.  And our problems are flushed away!  PU

Mouse #5

Simba figuring out what the problem might be with the pipes

Found these this morning.  They are blooming where they were planted the old buds were tossed
And finally, Wednesday is the big day.  Think the cartoons will tell the tale...
If you have come back from special days like we did, you have an inkling of just how much is on my to-do list today.  So back to the mundane and no more musing...