* Did winter win? I found myself thinking today in the very bitter cold that I don't even want to complain about it anymore. The elements have beaten us into submission. It is too redundant to talk about extreme temps, record snows, scary ice... so I guess I just will say 'mercy.. you got us this time'.
* I like this blog thing. Not necessarily contributing, but lurking in on other person's pages. But I have some worries about it. It takes time. And I fear it might be robbing me of doing other valuable things, having right thoughts, or being a help to another. And after hopping around the other day I asked myself, 'why am I reading about these people in Manitoba that I don't even know???
* Zach (a boy in Mira's room) told me at lunch today (while I was working as an aide, 'Mrs. Debelak, I'm leaving for FL tomorrow! Isn't that exciting?' Yes! I'm very excited for you! (I find him the most annoying in the room at times and I'm working in there tomorrow).
* Lisi hasn't had an accident since the fateful Valentine's fiasco when she peed twice and I sprained my ankle (still in recovery mode). She's almost fun now.
* Freddy (our 3-year old Betta) is suffering from the new addition. As I type this I realize his water needs changing again. He's been a healthy sea-farer for a long time in this house.
* I think my mind is completely empty now. As my brother would say, 'that isn't very hard'. So I better check the back of my eyelids pretty soon.