Monday, March 9, 2015

Monday Musings

Good Monday morning Musings!  I just checked my "notes" on my phone and this is what I saw:  nuts, paper towels, Italian bread, black beans, and spaghetti.  That was my list for Costco, not some notes I made for blogging.  Lets start over.

Happy Monday Musings!  What a lovely day here in dairyland!  The birds are chirping.  The cat is back to hunting.  And the snow is melting away.  Unfortunately in all the joy and anticipation of spring, there also is a bitterness of the ski hill melting away.  Until we really participated in winter sports, we never felt this way before.  I will say I'm 75% happy it is warming up though!  And I'm 75% happy there is a trip planned in the near future that will put us in the place of finding lots of snow to ski.

Show of hands!  Who likes changing our clocks forward in the spring and back in the fall?  I will admit I'm about 75% in favor of the changes.  (get the 75% pattern yet?)  You see I don't mind the darker mornings.  And I do love the longer evenings.  We hear often about not conforming to others, etc.  But with time change you must conform or you will the one always an hour early or an hour late.

Time changes are nasty with little ones.  I saw some posts on FB regarding their kids getting up too early and bouncing off walls and jumping off roofs because the time had changed.  Well I may have exaggerated about the jumping off roofs.  But you get the point.  I do remember those days and how I would watch the clock.  We always seemed to change our time the very weekend of our special meeting.  That was kinda icky, but guaranteed a nice afternoon nap during the meeting (for the kids, not me, silly).  Well now we have MYP in the house.  The time change doesn't affect us as much until the first day back to school.  It was like watching bears crawl out of their den after hibernation.  Meeshka they were testy this morning!  But they were heading out to the bus at 6:35 when it felt like 5:35 in their brains.  I don't blame them.

So it has been a very social last couple of days.  We celebrated a lovely young lady turning 18.  She's been the apple of my eye since the day she was born.  Her mom planned a scavenger hunt for friends of hers and kindly invited our family to join.  I had intended to drop off the MYP at the place in the mall and go sip coffee and pretend I was a laid-back, high brow lady that buys expensive coffee drinks.  Instead, I was handed a list, grouped with three teenage boys and another near-stranger guy and sent off to find what was listed.  I immediately decided I wasn't going to have a good time.  Within about two minutes I was having the time of my life and super-glad for teenage boys that are a mix of awesome and knucklehead.  The guy I walked around with was also pleasant, although one time he was overcome with emotion about finding something we were looking for and gave me a big hug.  Or maybe I'm just that irresistible.


These two...  they have been friends since birth.  Well actually not during toddlerhood as my sweet M would sneak and pinch the other sweet M when we mothers were out of the room.  However since the pinching was punished and she decided to be a better friend at the ripe old age of 18 months, they've been best buds since.  There are continual requests to snowboard together, to have sleepovers, to simply be silly.  These M&M's.  Sweetness.

My parents came in for a little visit and supper since they were in the area.  Son #1 is now passing Grandma.  And some games were played.

I ranted a post or two ago about greeting cards.  I may still feel a bit like they are an unnecessary purchase in the scheme of life.  However, something happened this week that made me change my mind.  I received two thank yous.  Why am I sharing this?  Am I looking for applause for doing something that caused me to receive a thank you?  Hardly.  Receiving those notes of thanks caused me to once again think of the person I did something for.  It made me think of their situation or their battle or what their friendship means to me.  Every time I glanced at the thank you cards that I placed near the kitchen sink, it made me happy that they were maybe a bit more happy by a deed or word.  It made me realize the utter importance of also penning a 'thank you' to someone.  To encourage our MYP to also write 'thank yous'.  It is the gift that keeps on giving...

Well the laundry needs attention once again.  And so does a multitude of other mundane Monday tasks that I would like to have 75% done before the MYP come back home.  Until we meet again!


  1. I have a hard time buying greeting cards when I have a stack of scrapbook paper stacking up space even after I gave 75% of it away.

  2. This sure was a post of 75%'s! So I'll be different.
    I'm 100% in favor of simply staying on DST. I 100% dislike the changing back and forth. And it is 100% true that Ukraine is still on winter time. We don't change till the end of the month. :-)
