Monday, September 21, 2015

Monday Musings

I'm so ashamed.  I desperately want to please the masses with a Muse, but I don't feel aMusing.  Oh well.  Don't want to ruin my reputation as a diligent blogger so will throw a bit of Muse for the masses.

Very little has happened since I last blogged.  I cooked and cleaned and did yard work.  Say!  There's something to mention.  I looked at my dreadful vegetable garden that I don't enjoy one iota.  It was taken over with weeds.  So I did what any reasonable person would do.  I weeded mowed it all down.  Seriously.  I got out the push mower and just mowed it all down except for the catnip (Simba is wild over that), the asparagus, the rhubarb, a couple tomato plants that are still bearing, and the raspberries.  The rest?  It's gone.  I've never felt better.  And I have resolved that tilling and planting and weeding isn't going to fit into my schedule come spring.  I'm thinking a few elevated boxes for one cucumber, one or two tomato plants, and that's that.  Less stressful that way.

We are in the midst of a gorgeous fall.  The grass has never been greener at this time of year due to perfectly spaced, ample rain.  The leaves are just starting to turn at the edges.  And the air is crisp by night and warm by day.  It's perfect.  We headed out for a delightful family hike yesterday.  Here's a couple pics.

Then we got home and Lisi stared at me.  And stared at me.  And I realized she wanted to go for a walk.  Oh good grief.  But you see, walking is her social media.  It was like she hadn't been on Facebook that day since lots of doggies had walked past and she hadn't been updated of their status.  So off we went again just her and me.
And do you know who was happiest about that?  Fitz!  Yes, I haven't stuffed my Fitbit to the back of my underwear drawer with all the baby teeth quite yet.  In fact, Fitz has kept me motivated to try to overachieve.  He's been quite the nice pal sitting on my left wrist.  But no matter how awesome I do, the next morning I wake up with 0 steps again.  He's demanding all right.  But really I think that's kind of sums up life.  We could be doing great and wonderful things one day.  But that isn't the current day.  If we are kind, or put first things first, or share, or whatever the day before, that doesn't really count for today.  Each day is really a new beginning.  With Fitz and other things that are more important.
Daughter #1 is still sending silly things.  Here's a few of the latest:

Ok.  This is enough.  Sorry all this lacks.  I promise (maybe) to not blog this week so regularly scheduled programing doesn't suffer too greatly.  


  1. But we like those extra posts! ;-)
    I'm sitting here picturing Lisi scrolling through her news feed and doing a status update! Heee

  2. I think I said before in other garden post that our last line of defense in the garden is the mower, every year we think we'll do better and every year we get out the mower. Most of it was already down before the hail.
