Thursday, August 14, 2008

Thursday thoughts

It started to bug me the other day, 'where are they?'. The books from the library. Lots of chapter books. Five DVD's the kids had checked out. They aren't here. They aren't there. I frantically search far and wide. I delve through nearly every box in the basement and garage. And then out of desperation (and very high on the yuck factor I must add), I went through the garbage. All of it. Eeeeeuuuu. PU. No books. Just some old coffee grounds, leftovers, kleenex. You can get the picture. I call our 'helpers' on moving day. No, they all say. Never saw them. It's in a bag - a plastic grocery-type bag with no print on it. Are you sure? Ok, fine. So I finally get the nerve and happened to be back on the ol' 40 that we just left and went to the library. I started by saying in a meek voice, 'I think I have a big problem'. So he checks out my list. Adds it all up and says, 'that'll be about $205 for those items'. I choke on the dryness of my mouth. Oh boy. So I get reeeally motivated and wander from room to room in the old place. It is empty. Really empty. No places for books to hide. We come back to the new pad. I again go through all the boxes thinking for some reason this time they'll pop out. Nothing again. Goodwill donations? Timing isn't right. Not there. Heavy sigh. So that has been the ponderings of my heart. Lost books. And they still are lost. And we'll be forking over money to the kind city of Waukesha before long...

Side notes:

* I've been the handyman around here the past five days. Got lots of things hung on walls, hooks installed, toilet paper holders, shower curtains, unclogging a drain, building things we need. It takes time. But it is very rewarding. And I get nice comments from hubby when he comes home.

* Today was spent entertaining people coming to do stuff. A water guy that installed an iron curtain. What you dare ask? Well, our water here has incredible high levels of minerals and so when you turn on the shower it comes out smelling like you boiled a dozen eggs in it first. Mira, who has a super-sensitive nose, keeps yelling really loud, 'IT STINKS MOM!!! YUCK! PU!' Just be quiet and get done quickly. Beyond that, if you water the yard and it hits the house too much, you get a red house instead of white. So, I'm glad that is done.

* Remember Jim? The Sears guy? The one I didn't want to see again for my washer? Well, I got 'Al' today. Al showed up with a huge mop of graying hair. Very greasy hands, gnarly knuckles, and a mouth full of crooked teeth. I was expecting him to smell smoky, but he was clean. Anyway, Al came to give our riding lawnmower some help. A fuel leak was part of the problem and then he did a tune-up. Maybe I'm giving myself more credit than is due, but with happy chattering, he lowered his price and gave me over $50 in discounts and threw in some extras for me lurking over his shoulder. I liked Al. Waved him goodbye and wished him luck in his next venture. He thought he should run for president. tee-hee.

* And the electrician came. Scott is his name. Nicest guy you could meet. Apologized for his quote because of the cost of copper wiring. Scott comes tomorrow. He doesn't shave more than before Sunday church, but he has no pretence and tells it to you straight on. I like that. And the real reason I like him is that he's going to give me a jack so my dryer can finally work. Think - family of five with no laundry done in nearly 10 days. I'm a desperate woman. I do laundry daily. I detest dirty clothes lying around. And now I have them literally lying around as I have no place to put them.

* The neighbors around here are nice that we've met so far. But I feel out of my league. This house is one of the simpler ones in the subdivision. The others are a little fancy-schmancy. Super-nice landscaping. Great cars in the driveway. And I feel like we're the country bumpkins that are a bit out of our league. Lisi went to meet some new neighbors. Trevor said she was tied up. Nope. Sarah calls. "Hi, we've never met, but I think I have your dog". Yep, that would be me. Sorry about that.

* Our old house feels empty. It isn't home. What we loved was within. It is stuff - but mainly, it is the people. The emotions. And yes, we have our memories. Luckily, we most likely will have many great years ahead with our little flock and will make great memories here too.

* I froze corn today too!!!! I almost forgot to mention that. Only five meals, but hey! Five meals! I hope to do a lot more in the next week or so, but I've been a bit busy these days.

I think this is enough. Boring post tonight. Sorry. Like watching paint dry. (CP!)


  1. I sympathize on the lost library books/items! That's terrible! Lost library items are one of the banes of my life. My kids can't seem to keep track of them at all. I found one on the inside of a chair once when we moved. Ugg. we spend too much money at the library!
    Sounds like you're very busy getting settled. Happy nesting :*)

  2. Hope you find those books. They aren't under a car seat...I found one there once. LOL on feeling like the country bumkins in your new place-if we ever build on our lot that is what we will be. :)

  3. :-)

    Paint drying but it seemed therapeutic for you.

    The library books may have been incorporated in with the existing books/dvd. Check there. Otherwise, start looking for bags that aren't "plain". Like all the bags.

    Chances are the fancy houses and fancy cars aren't making the neighbors happy. Nothing much new here.

  4. Oh my... you HAVE been busy. Try not to think about the "out of our league" feelings you're getting in your new neighborhood. People are people. Don't let them convince you otherwise. Sounds like Lisi's already met a few of them. ;)
