Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Tuesday times

* So Mira went to new student assessment this morning. She is super funny and outgoing with us. She gets into a new environment and clams up and barely can breathe out her name. On our way there she wondered if they would just write 'stupid' across the sheet that they were using to assess her. I found it hilarious. Then she asked if they'd go out to recess so she could show them how good she does on the monkey bars.

* Our dog which isn't the brightest of the litter things finds sneezing alarming. Every time I do it, she comes running over with an alarmed look on her face and then looks out the window with a slight cough-bark warning others of the sneeze.

* I can't wait for tomorrow. A trip to IA with great days anticipated. But I have a lot of clothes to iron before we go. And Trevor is very concerned that the right shirt/pants will be worn on the right day. So I said I'd label them with a tape or something so he and daddy know what to do when. And I can't decide how much or how little to take for the meeting times. The kids are older and don't need to be so terribly entertained.

* It is bone dry here still. After a hurricane-like spring.

* I'm feeling quite at home here now. And I'm even used to the boxes lying around. When school starts next week, I can start getting us more settled.

* I think Trevor has asthma. He's getting worse as he gets older. I have an appt. scheduled for him in September. But his constant coughing and wheezing are a pretty good indication. He's no complainer though...

* Last night I made wh. wheat pancakes and farm fresh eggs (thanks Sarah), and fruit for supper. The kids always grumble when breakfast is supper. But I raced in the house at 5:45 with three starving kids. And they ate it well. So...

* The trampoline is up and running and used very much. It is great exercise for old moms too.

* The walking around this new place is awesome. We're basically in the country and hear all the farm animals. Plus I was entertained by two bluebirds this morning! Beautiful.


  1. I used to do the same thing. Very outgoing until I went someplace unfamiliar and then was uncharacteristically shy.

    Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow. I'm mulling over some of the same things you are regarding packing, it seems. It all sounded way too familiar. I always breath a sigh of relief when we're finally on the road.

    Doesn't help any that Craig's first day back to work is tomorrow... we'll leave immediately when he gets home if all goes as planned.

  2. have a super time in IA! If you think of it/remember, tell Mr Jeff Th special hello from me.

    Good luck to Duane and Trevor with getting the right clothes on the right day. This is serious. I had no idea boys even noticed stuff like that... imagine...

  3. Wishing you wonderful days! I can relate to the clothes on the right day delima with my son...(HE didn't care, but I DID!)
    He's 11 now, and finally can figure out when I put pants/shirts together, and he wears them from top to bottom of suitcase, but for years I either had his bag with me and would give him his clean ones every night for the next day, or put them in large ziplock with the day wrote on them because he would just shuffle & dump otherwise & everything would be all over. My hubby can barely keep track of what he is suppose to wear when let alone his son! Probably good thing I had more girls! Of course now with the older boys I'm just thankful if they are THERE, no matter what they're wearing!! lol!
    I gave up on the entertaining stuff for meeting way back. Too many kids, too much stuff, to much scuffle, to much dropping on the floor...After they were older than 4 We stick with notebooks for drawing/writing & maybe stickers. They're good quiet fun.
