Monday, December 14, 2009

More Musings

Finally got out of my PJ's and showered by noon. Made ham potato chowder, two loaves of multi-grained bread, and three batches of almond biscotti (cookie x-change this week). Now the kitchen looks like a bomb hit on the counters and the floor. So that's next.

And laundry. I was throwing in dirty clothes in the wash. And some were folded. Neatly. And they were our dear son's who said he 'put his clothes away' last Friday. Yessiree he did! He put the basket right into the closet where it belongs and threw the dirty on top. We might need to visit.

Mira's trying to save me work though. I realized as she was stepping onto the bus that she had on exactly what she wore all day yesterday! And it gets better... she wore it to bed last night. As a mom... me bad. I think she'll need a shower tonight.

At what age do sons need to wear deodorant. After a particularly vigorous wrestling match with him last night, it smelled like a stinky guy. PU. Is 9 1/2 too soon?

We had one of the best meetings in my life yesterday morning. As I looked around the room and saw all these awesome souls gathered together from various corners of the country, I realized the reason people have to move away sometimes is the light would be too bright if they all stayed in one town. It would be blinding. And so... they move to where they are needed and the Sparkle is in other areas too.

I'm having a terrific battle with a dark-red paint job. I think I'll win, but it'll take some time. The girls keep teasing their brother that he has a pink bathroom now. It isn't... but they sure like to rile him up.

Well no more delays. The mop is calling. And so are the pleading eyes of the dog wishing for her walk.


  1. haha the deo issue- no idea... ask my mom!
    I know a young lady in WI who used to race her big bro- who could get ready for school the fastest. She started winning when she started getting mostly dressed the night before!

    nice post. :)

  2. I like your musings! It was good to see you this weekend! I used to teach 4th and 5th grades and after recess it could get pretty ripe in the classroom. I had to have the deodorant conversation with them. Our school also had some sample sized deodorants, so I passed those out too! :)

  3. I love your thought about friends that have to move on and them sharing the light in other areas. Beautiful thought.

    Smiling at you daughter wearing the same thing. My youngest son likes to shower and then put on the same clothes...have to stay on top of him. ugh!

  4. I'm a lurker from NE...don't even know how I happened upon your blog but I love your "bullets" your musings, your perspective, your honesty, your outlook. So I check in pretty often. I know your parents...they have stayed at my in-laws a time or two. They lived in SD at that time...seems like they've anyway, keep blogging, and may I please keep reading?

  5. Haha, I got a big chuckle out of daughters wearing the same clothes...yesterday & bed. I don't feel quite so bad now, hehe!
    Yes, caught mine too...Too late! Did you get dark primer for your red walls?
    Hope you win soon!

  6. We had a particularly stellar meeting on Sunday, too. Loved reading your take on light. A perfect description. Just don't ever want to lose my twinkle.
