Wednesday, December 2, 2009


It started like any other walk. The big lady that yells but loves me anyway came out with those pants that 'swish'. Then she put on her shoes and her coat and her mittens and I knew we were in business! A walk in the morning. How good is that? And when she sits on the floor to put on her shoes or boots, I love to crawl up in her lap and lie upside down and show just how extremely grateful I am for her taking time out of her busy day to give me some fresh air.

And so we were off! A brisk breeze out of the west and fresh smells to be had. We circled around to the path (I think you readers know where this leads to because one time she took pictures of the journey), and then like she usually does, she took off my leash. Whew! I'm free. Now I can really get some good sniffs. Paw at some rodents. Chase a goose. And not far down the path, ohmygoodness, that dog is coming after the big lady! I could tell that dog was mean and so I got worried for the big lady I love. I got the hair on the back of my neck all tall and growled and that dog stopped running after the big lady. Then it came after me. I did what any sensible dog would do. I flopped down and exposed my belly so he didn't think I wanted to fight. He stood over me. He sniffed me all over. I was all a quiver with fear but tried not to show it. And then just like that the dog looked at my big lady and then at me and then took off back from where it came from. It was super scary.

The big lady that yells got down on her knees and put my leash on but the whole time she was doing it she was murmuring sweet things to me and rubbing me in just that right spot above my eyes. And then we walked quickly away. And I was proud that I almost protected her. And she was happy to see that there is just about 1/2 ounce of protection in me even though I'm a golden retriever. You see usually we'd just show the robbers around our house and point out to where all the valuables are kept. But sometimes, we know better and we can protect. And so I did!

Ed. note: Tonight an e-mail came from the subdivision saying that a 'brown dog' had attacked several walkers and actually bit one of them. And so... kudos to Lisi! I always wondered if she had it in her...


  1. I hope you had a nice bone in the freezer for Lisi. What a good dog.


  2. That's Our Granddog! Good Girl! She could 'sense' danger.

  3. Yay Lisi! That really is a pretty neat story!

  4. Awwwww! She's both sensible and SMART....and your hero! What kind of dog did she defend you from?
