Monday, April 11, 2011

Monday Musings

Spending Saturday slurping with friends

Come on!  Drop that camera and throw this thing!

Lots of soccer going on here...

Teams are usually Chairman and daugher #2 vs. Son #1 and Daughter #1
The bread rises and ready for the oven.  A bit of mild panic set in the Chairman and company's household since we were out OUT! of bread.  Get going mom!

Was looking at some of the screens in the house last night.  They looked dusty and dirty.  Took a couple off and gave them a shower.  Wiped them down.  Washed the windows and put it all up again.  And then realized, the rest are dirty too.  I don't want to do it.  Really.  It's a lot of work.  But then it hit me.  If I were at 'preps' and someone told me my job was to clean all the screens in such-and-such building I'd count it a joy to help.  So why not here right?  Sorta.  So I have cleaned 12 screens so far and about 6 to go.  And a few windows to wash.  It's a privilege to do it, right?  Sorta.

The children had a major waterfight yesterday which happened to be April 10.  Isn't that great?  Eighty degrees in April is awesome.  We set up a small table in the screen porch and ate two of our three meals yesterday out there.  A picnic!  And the kitchen floor stayed clean to boot!

Maybe it is the way he said it.  Or maybe it was because the Chairman said it.  But he called my name out yesterday and I thought to myself, 'I like my name'!.  I didn't like it when I was younger.  I wanted to be Jennifer or Rebecca or  Rachel.  Not Linda.  I thought it sounded like a middle-aged lady.  And maybe it still does.  Because... well... never mind.  What did you want to be called instead of the name you were given?

So we've passed the impasse.  After some strong negotiation.  Some tears.  And even some outright hysteria. We've got a plan.  Daughter #1 will be moving out of the bedroom into her own.  She's thrilled with moving into a much smaller room with mismatched furniture, limited closet space, and no bathroom.  But hey, I won't argue.  Her current thought of bedding is this so we'll see what shakes out.

Well dear friends, acquaintances, and perfect strangers, duty calls...  and I must go.


  1. I love the choice of bedding!! With twin daughters sharing a room, we have (kind of) found a compromise to redo the room - and the first thing they ck when they get home is..."Is it done yet, Mom?"

  2. Way cute bedding!
    We've got 3 girls in a room, so it's been interesting--compromising on colors, designs!

    My name? Ugg. Never did like it and I still don't. The funny thing is that I honestly never really thought of a name that I "wished" I'd been called....just not this one! :P

  3. I have to laugh Maxine, about your name business, since we just talked about it yesterday. I like your name, because it is yours, and you are you. Now, I like the name Linda, too, because it is my mom's name. When I was young and didn't like my name I wished it was Michelle, but then I got over it. I've liked my name most of the time but I think Grandma Shelley will sound kind of silly.

  4. Like her bedding, too. :)
    It's always 'funner' to do what we don't have to... like screens at preps. (I wish someone would come wash our windows)

    I made spinach for lunch- chopped it with garlic added salt, a dab of butter and then squeezed some lemon juice over it and added about a tbs of orange juice and a tbs of water- pretty good! Thought of you and your recent spinach post! ;)
