Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Because I'm alone again..

and have time for a thought or three.  You see the MYP here are just perfect children.  They are honestly like cherubs in kids clothes.  And people from far and wide want just their own taste of such perfection.  Or not.  Actually, they hadn't had an overnighter with a set of grandparents yet this summer and school starts next week.  So off they went again!  I wasn't quite ready this time.  I'm not dancing on the beach.  Or even smiling a whole lot because they are gone.  But it will be nice to have alone-time with the Chairman.

But... as "perfect" as they are, they aren't.  Through the gift of free texting on an electronic device, they have already sent umpteen messages about a squabble that broke out between the two "perfect" daughters.  I heard what they had for lunch.  And I'm about to turn my cell phone beeper to off.

Health insurance.  What a incredible poor way to spend money.  And lots of it.  You see we are basically self-employed and on an individual plan.  The super-high deductible rates just went through the roof again.  And we are healthy forgoodnesssake!  So we are starting to shop.  This time under the influence of a guy that does this for a living.  I'm hoping to save a couple nickels or more.  

Stinging nettle.  It is not your friend.  It... well... stings.  Badly.  Enough to cause a welt.  And itch in a very scary-hurt sort of way.  I researched it on-line.  Did you know people cook this stuff up and eat it?  Or make tea out of it for medicinal purposes?  Really?  You mean years ago someone got terribly burned on this stuff walking through the field and thought, "I bet this would taste real good if I cooked it up for supper".  Weird I say.

I'm at war.  With a striped gopher.  Right now it is Big Lady - 0.  Striped gopher - 1.  Bought a trap.  Set the trap just as I thought I was supposed to.  Trap doors closed.  Bait gone.  And so was the gopher.  Will have to try again.  He's causing quite a mess on a part of our yard.  And for some reason, the highly intelligent dog isn't responding as intelligent as she should be.

Did you know what really makes the Chairman have dreamy eyes?  Well actually there are two things.  Number one is the smell of garlic/peppers simmering on a stove.  It could be in the form of spaghetti sauce or even something as simple as fajitas.  And number two is the result of an afternoon cleaning out the garage and organizing all the shelves.  That my dear peeps was just like love-inducing potion.

I'm hot.  No, not "hot".  I'm in my mid-40's if you didn't know.  I'm just plain hot.  And the a/c isn't on despite the humid 89 degree day outside.  But it's supposed to cool down tonight, so why waste energy, right?

1 comment:

  1. Oh my, I have huge issues with stinging nettle. It's all over this place, and I'm always accidentally grabbing it or brushing against it when pulling weeds. I can't imagine how someone ever discovered it has medicinal purposes!
    Glad I'm not the only one who has perfect children....NOT. haha.
    Anyway, happy "quiet" or whatever hours.
    p.s. I was tempted to start this comment "dear hot mama"....but thought it wouldn't be so appreciated maybe. It's still hot here, and so am I and I'm in my 50's, but my air conditioning IS on. ;D
