Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Blogs are great.  Because you can say what you want - serious or otherwise without people interrupting.  But maybe that's not always good.  I read something in "Dear Abby" today.  When someone walks in the room there can be two ways... "Here I am!" or... better  "There you are!".  That's nicer.

I've been starting to purge my Google Reader.  Don't worry, it's probably not you I've quit reading.  I just had too many on there and was wasting time on people I'll never meet.

Son #1 has had croup.  It probably is complicated with his asthma.  But it wasn't fun.  A steamer has helped.  But after reading about it, I see it is contagious!  I'm hoping there aren't a lot of barking seals at the school later this week.

Do you use your crock-pot?  Or slow-cooker.  Or whatever you call it.  I've been using it about once/week and LOVE it.  Last night was sirloin steaks simmering in deliciousness of peppers, onions, and some spices I'd never put together except the recipe called for it.  And it got a resounding vote.  Well four out of five ain't bad.  That fifth one... oh never mind.

I've got my first Norwex order.  I'm a natural skeptic.  Hate gimmicks.  Hate wasting money.  And so I reluctantly started using them as I cleaned a bit yesterday.  Know what?  So far I like 'em!  I had a mirror I could never get streak-free.  And I did without the aid of cleaner!  Really!  What pressure though... you Norwex consultants or whatever they call you.  Are you supposed to have spot-less houses all the time?  And on a side note:  whoever thought white baseboards were a good idea... well, never mind.

I've got a hankering for getting a bird.  Like an indoor-cheery-chirping bird.  We have a perfect spot for it.  We have a two-story great room that it would have a dandy time flying around in.  But there's the Chairman.  He would refuse such silliness.  And there's the bird droppings.  Somehow it doesn't work in Norwex-clean houses.  So I will think about a bird and that's all.  Hopefully, when they put me in the nut house or the nursing home, they might have one there in the activity room I can enjoy.

I'm off to school.  No, I've had enough education.  In fact, I don't think my brain could handle one more lesson.  Because I don't like to put forth too much effort or something like that.  I'm off to copy a book and lessons for a teacher.  I must have gotten a demotion.  As I haven't been called for laminating even once this year!

Planning on a cooking post or two in the next week or so.  My latest bread recipe and maybe a few other favorites if you beg and plead for my knowledge...  (ha!)


  1. I love my crock pot, too. Makes a dandy roast while meeting is going on. Ever try the crockpot liners? Once you do, you will be hooked. You just lift it out of the crock pot and toss it in the trash. Janie

  2. Need to pull out my slow cooker again to smell it cooking something all day. Hmm, no streaks on a mirror? Nothing short of a miracle. I want some Norwex!

  3. I love my slow cooker, but sure can't seem to make a good roast in it. I would like a recipe for that.

  4. dear Gramma...have you browned the roast ahead of time and pack in alot of onions, potatoes, carrots etc? my roast turned out quit spectacular the other day ( it doesn't always) in the crock pot..try browning it..just my tidbit!

  5. I will try again with the browning, but I don't know how long or the temperature to make it work well.

  6. Shelley--remind me to discuss roasts/crockpots with you next time I see you :) I've done it for years!
    I'm a Norwex convertee (is that a word?!) and now a consultant and no my house is not spotless, but I sure love their stuff. It just makes cleaning so much easier/nicer, and I hate chemicals.
    White baseboards, ugg. I'm with you on that!
