Monday, October 24, 2011

Monday Musings

But that didn't happen!  You see our outside post lamp has had a sensor that thinks it is midnight at mid-day.  And so I went to the local hardware store and found a new thingamajig and came home.  Took the whole she-bang apart.  Matched wires for wires (with the electricity off mind you), and then put that puppy on the pole and covered the sensor so it would think it was night.  Kinda like putting a towel over a bird cage.  And you know what?  It worked!  I'm the most surprised!  So if you have any small electrical work you know who to call call someone that knows what they are doing!

We had a nice past weekend.  I'm not spontaneous.  In fact, past roommates of mine called me 'concrete sequential'.  In a nice way I'm sure.  The Chairman knows to never throw a curve-ball at me.  He gives ample warning for me to digest some new news and then respond accordingly.  Has worked for 17 years now.  But this weekend I was a tad spontaneous.  My slightly older sister of four years mentioned they were free.  We were free.  Say!  So we both packed parts of lunch (she more than me I must admit) and we met and had a lovely time.  A near-five mile walk.  A wonderful lunch.  Soaked up some sunshine.  And beyond all that, a good visit while the kids chased each other with sticks.

Son #1 gets off his braces this week!  It's been nearly three years.  I think we should have a sticky party to celebrate.  There's a rumor that there's lots of candy on a top shelf here waiting for trick or treating this Saturday.

Getting ready for my cup of tea.  You see every day around mid-afternoon, I'm overcome with a need for a cup of ambition.  Coffee is my cup of choice in the morning.  But in the afternoon it is my squeeze every bit of caffeinated goodness out of the Tazo Awake tea bag after it has sat for over five minutes.

This is enough.  I'm getting a bit bored with blogging quite frankly.  You see I don't have tiny kids doing adorable things around here.  They no longer say such cute things you have to share.  And so I'll continue to share.  Just no guarantees of wildly humorous stuff folks!


  1. Go Yellow Jackets! (I don't know why I feel the need to say that - just goofy tonight I guess)

  2. Why are you "grayer" than your "older" sis??? Ha

  3. Doing my catching up again! (read that putting off my work)
    Anyway, just so you know--no little's here either so some of us do enjoy the other parts of blogging. Your posts always make me smile, laugh out loud, cry.....or something ;) I just don't always get it said!
    So, thanks for hanging out in blog land!
