Monday, November 7, 2011

Monday Musings

Well I'm back!  And as you probably noticed, the Chairman took liberties while I was away.  I know you don't have to wonder if it is he or I that is writing prose on this blog as his words are usually look-up-in-the-dictionary kind and mine are... well more on a 4th grade level.  Anyway, I found humor in his high octane discourse and am appreciative of his appreciation.

With great trepidation, I left my family in the rear view mirror and headed to the Windy city last Friday afternoon.
Met up with friends from a past life of mine.  And some new ones.  Ate Thai food.
 Ate a yummy brunch.
 Started to do serious shopping on Michigan Avenue.

(the Coach bag is not mine)

And shared delicacies such as Wow Baos (sounds like wow bow)

and three hours over hot fondue pots

We even took the time to look at high places above us

And speak of higher things around the table or in our pj's back at the condo.

One evening at the condo, I went out of the room (actually to the bathroom if you must know) and heard the banter going on in the other room.  Happy conversations about this or that.  And I was transported back to the years before I became Mrs. Chairman.  Living with roommates that loved what I loved.  Living with roommates that enjoyed chatting about the mundane.  Living with roommates that made me laugh.  I loved that cozy, back-in-the-day feeling.  Yes, those were 'good old days'.  I'm so glad I married a bit later so that I could experience a life of shopping and friendships and crowding in a kitchen.  And I'm thankful for the people that were a part of it.  But I'm also thankful for the life I now lead.

People don't change.  We used to talk about men and situations and our jobs.  Now we were talking about the power of our prescription reading glasses, thyroid medicines, and other unmentionables.  But we are who we are.  And some day when we all are sharing bunks in the old ladies quarters at convention, we still will be friends.  I like that thought.

As I drove in the garage last night, the MYP piled out of the house.  They gave me long, warm hugs.  The Chairman was thankful I was home safe from the utter-danger of the big city and the roadways.  And the big hairy dog did her typical 'ba-rooooo' to celebrate her happiness.  Yes, life is good.  And I hope I remember that as I muddle through the piles of stinky unwashed clothes down in the laundry room...


  1. so interesting to see a couple people on your pictures that I know beside you...Raelyn's mom and Marv are cousins and we know Julie K....glad your time was so special

  2. Sounds and looks like you had a great time. Pretty special to have friends to do something like that with (and a husband & family who although worrys & misses you, tolerates it!)

  3. Fun to see Raelyn, too! Met her this summer at my brother's! It was her littlest that did a complete somersault while trying to grab a ball that rolled between his legs! Kids are so hilarious!
