Thursday, November 10, 2011

Thinking Thursday thoughts

I'm sure you all are hitting the refresh button wondering in near-agony the fate of the pampered pooch.  Well I'm happy to report that she is regaining her strength and back to her mischievous ways again.  She actually wanted to walk.  She has a light back in her eyes.  And she pulled most all the stuffing out of "Clifford", her latest toy.  Medicine does wonders.  She acquired a tick-borne disease along the way.  It tested negative for Lyme, but it is some other tick-gift as her blood told us so.  Funny how when your dog or child is sick that you just wish they'd act 'normal'.  And 'normal' can be somewhat annoying, but that's what you want.  And for all you non-dog people out there, I will refrain from saying more about this for now!

I'm not addicted to any vice.  Or so I thought.  Today I decided to not make coffee since the Chairman is away and it seemed like a lot of work to make some just for myself.  My headache this afternoon proves it is an addiction or something like that.  Rats.

Speaking of addictions.  I love Words with Friends.  As one friend said recently, it is almost addicting.  But today I had even something better!  I had Lunch with Friends.  It was nice.  And it didn't challenge my pea-brain as much as the Words does...

Yes, the Chairman flew the coop this time.  When I leave, I go to big cities and enjoy being pampered and eating and visiting with friends.  When he leaves, he drives an unbearable amount of time (for me, not him), eats what he can grab, and takes pictures and notes and makes observations of land, buildings, and chicken coops (well not really) and comes home to write gigantic big reports for important people in suits about what he saw and what the numbers crunch out to be.  Did I tell you ever that he's a lot smarter than I am?  Oh I did?  Well, anyway, it is still true.

But what is funny is that when I left I was all a-flutter.  Made sure some meals were made up in advance.  Made sure the house was clean to a 'ting'.  Made sure the laundry baskets were empty and the ironing all done.  Made sure the kids were reassured about 27 times where I was and when I would return.  When the Chairman leaves, he makes sure to speak to each of the MYP individually.  Grabs a few things and stuffs them in a bag.  Kisses me a couple extra times and he's off!  Yes, the absence sure differs depending on who leaves.  Not sure what to say about it other than this observation.

And yes, it snowed yesterday.  And this morning for that matter!  But I'm glad of it.  If  you are a daily walker like me, I'd much rather be pelted with snow than rain.  Just my two cents worth.

My thoughts are getting thoughtless...


  1. Happy to know the dog is better!
    Smiling as usual at your post :)

  2. Just in case you need a little help with your Words with Friends problem:
    I love that game, too, but I tend to forget there's a game going on and only play a couple times a week... makes it easier to have about 8 games going! I'm assuming no one minds my absence!
