I'll do it here instead of on
FB. I'm not sure why... I've done other similar things on here before, so some might be repeats.
1. I'm the youngest of three kids. And I was/am the loudest. My mom once said in passing that they thought of 4 kids until I was born.
2. I was born in the same hospital as Duane. St. Joseph's in Milwaukee. Only I warmed the
bassinet 3 years before he arrived.
3. We moved to
Watertown, SD when I was 6. It was a great place to grow up. You had to have deep roots (figuratively and really) to make it out there. But I'm thankful that was where I came from.
4. I grew up with a ton of privilege. And it had nothing to do with money. It was the love of parents, great trips all over the US each summer, many out of state conventions, and having workers over very, very often.
5. I love dogs. You know that already. We had Bingo when I was a kid. A collie/shepherd mix. We had a great 'show' where he'd don sunglasses and a t-shirt and would eat off of a spoon. Stupid? Yes. But great entertainment. Lincoln and
Lisi are the ones since married life. I want to say that
Lisi will be our last dog so we can go visit our kids in college or wherever they end up in life.
6. I worried sometimes in my early 20's that I'd never marry. I was in a great situation as a single person in Minneapolis. But I wanted to love and be loved. And then I met Duane in '92 on a raft trip in Utah. The rest is history.
7. I loved my Grandpa Anderson in particular. He was just a wonderful man in many ways. Tighter than white on rice with spending money, but a giver to the nth degree in personality and care. I never tired of going to see them even as a teenager. I loved all of my grandparents and the influence they left behind.
8. Losing our baby daughter in '96 was a very sad and soul-searching experience. Watching this incredibly tiny baby struggle for life was almost more than I could bear. I wanted the tubes and
paraphernalia removed so she could just rest. And after three days, that was about the only option we were given. She left a tiny imprint on my heart that will always be there. At very unexpected times I cry over losing her.
9. Adoption is indescribable nearly. I never knew instant love until I met our daughter and then son. Before we brought them into our lives I wondered if the love was the same as with a biological child. It is more than the same. In some ways, better.
10. I've moved 8 times (plus dorm changes in college) in my life. All the changes were for good, but I always tend to look back at the old places with fond memories (esp. our last move)
11. I worked for Target headquarters for 6 years and then out of the district office here in WI for another 7. I miss the discount.
12. I am a SAHM. And I'm thankful I can be. I sometimes think about doing something part-time. But then the kids have a 1/2 day or get sick or someone is coming or we're having company, or... and then the desire leaves.
13. I had a tooth pulled. It was dreadfully infected. And I can't describe the hurt. So now I have a 'fake' tooth in there and it works wonderfully. Yet, feels... oddly fake.
14. I'm blessed with friends. Old ones. New ones. Young ones. Elderly. Each bring something unique to me and I'm glad we're all so different.
15. The Chairman and I are a team. He works outside the home and I do everything else. (tee-hee) Well not really. But almost. I find it fascinating that when you're married to someone you just don't get tired of being around them. Love is a wonderful thing.
16. I love naps. Teeny-weeny ones. About 2:00 or so. So please, don't call. I ususally read something for about 10 minutes, snooze for 6 minutes and then I feel like conquering the rest of the day.
17. I love country music. Old stuff. Classic country they call it. I really sing loud in the car if I'm alone (or even with the kids, but they soon tell me to quiet down.)
18. I bake bread at least twice/week. Any kind. White, whole wheat, some with lots of 'stuff' in it, and cinnamon rolls/coffee cakes. Yum. I'm not on a low-carb diet.
19. Walking daily has kept my weight down for the past 6 years. I believe in portion control and exercise to keep me in check. I'm 15 lbs. lighter than my wedding day and thankful for that.
20. I have an uncle and a nephew that both are workers. I love what they are doing and hope that they know we are supporting them as best we can.
21. And I have some wonderful nieces and nephews as well. They have become good friends as they have become young adults.
22. I miss my sister-in-law. She lost her battle with cancer in '06. She said things through the years I'll never forget. She was spunky. Interesting. Smart. And a giver. I wish she wouldn't have had to leave us so soon.
23. I don't like elevators, flying in airplanes, and roller coasters. I'll do it, but it isn't great fun for me.
24. I wish sometimes I were more outgoing. If I told some that I was shy they'd laugh and hoot and snort. But new people scare me. Once I have it all figured out, I can really let 'er go.
25. Whew! I made it. And I'll probably think of a very obvious something I'd have loved to add to this list. But I won't. Because it was only 25! I'll leave the rest for you to guess...