Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Pity Party time...

I think you probably get the point.  You see some very special people to me are together right now.  Like really special people.  Like people that mean a lot to me for a lot of reasons.  Oh and did I mention they are all together?  I did.  Without me.  Or my family.  Having very very special days together.  And besides the fact that all these very special people are together... even beyond that they are surrounded by another huge host of very nice people.  Like really nice.  All together. Yes indeed.  Without me and my family.  Enjoying special days.  Special visits.  Special memories.  Did I mention that they are all together without me?  Sniff.  Sob.  Boo-hoo.  It is indeed time for a pity party.  Think I'll go soak my sorrows over a cup of iced tea.  Maybe that will cheer me.  Since I'm not together with a lot of special people to me...


  1. Sorry you feel left out....I loved meeting your parents last week...they are a 'hoot' and the trips down memory lane was so special...the stories of past times and people.

  2. What a coincidence. My pity parties are never well attended either. :-)

  3. Sorry you are all left out!! SOME pity parties are understandable--NOT that it does any good! :D
