Thursday, January 19, 2012

Thoughts on a Thursday

Brrr.  It's -1 with a wind chill of -22.  Lisi still wants to go out for our daily walk.  So we will head out soon.  But think I'll try to dress appropriately.  Last night I was ready to take my shot of molasses (reason forthcoming) and it was so slow in coming out.  Then I realized it was doing what molasses is supposed to do in January.  

There was widespread panic and pandemonium here yesterday.  You see son #1 went to get the next loaf out of  the freezer and *gasp*, there was none.  I got strict orders to get the dough rising.  So I did.  And I put them out to raise in the living room by the wood stove.  We're classy like that.

Yes, it is cold outside, but the dog doesn't suffer one iota (not that you thought she did).  This is her accommodations as of late:
In a couple hours, I'll see if I have passed the test.  The iron test that is.  Another blood drive at the school.  Another chance to be humiliated for my lack of iron in my blood.  Last year after three pricks to my finger, they decided I truly didn't have enough hemoglobin.  Will see what happens this year!  And that my friends, is why I've been drinking molasses.  And eating black beans.  And beef.  And lots and lots of spinach.  

Our microwave is now receiving end-of-life care.  It takes approximately ten attempts to actually get it to work.  I see the end in view.  I don't think I use it much, and actually don't.  But I miss it when it isn't working.  So the quandary is, do I make certain that this appliance "matches" the brand of the others in the kitchen?  The Chairman feels that is necessary.  And maybe he's right (usually he is).  

Well time to take my thoughts to the miserable great outdoors.  I'm pretty sure my thoughts will be why it is so blasted necessary for the dog to get her walk and why my forehead feels like it is falling off...

1 comment:

  1. My mom has a specific nurse check her iron levels- she nearly always gets a high enough reading when the others get low numbers! ;)
