Monday, May 7, 2012

Monday Musings

Lets see.  What should I muse about first?  I could tell you that the Chairman and the MYP did all they could to make my birthday special from doughnuts with candles for breakfast to presents before bed.  My birthday lunch was shared with my dear parents and slightly older sister.  Kinda neat to actually spend the actual day with the people that helped bring you into the world!  My supper consisted of a luke-warm hot dog at the concession stand of the volleyball tournament and I was lucky enough to sit on a folding chair with a screw coming up from the bottom.  So I had to strategically sit carefully lest I get a good scratch on my bum.  Yes, turning 47 was good.

We had a wonderful privilege this weekend.  We got to sit around the table and have a visit with these ladies.
I could say lots of rich and special adjectives to describe these two.  But they wouldn't want me to, so I won't.  But I can't help it.  I love them.  And it was just so very special to be with them because they have encouraged and touched me in ways they hardly know.

All the MYP

silly girlfriends
 Then there is this family that so warmly invited us into their home.  There are few people that have gone through the same journey of desiring children and adopting like we have.  We developed a friendship as we were in the waiting stages.  They cheered us on.  We cheered them on.  Our oldest children were born six days apart - one lying in a bassinet in China; one lying in a bassinet in Russia.  A second adoption happened for both of us and those two children are just months apart.  We shared baby tips.  We watched our toddlers romp together in diapers.  And now we talk about school and friends and what the future days may bring.  We don't have a drop of blood-relation in us.  But as I tucked one of our MYP in bed last night she said, "I know the L's aren't related to us, but they sure feel like our family".  Yes my sweet, they do.

Us with special A who soon heads across the big pond again
 Then there is Biscuit.  I really liked him.  Probably because he reminded me so much of Lincoln (our first golden).  He looked the same and peeked in the window the same and liked to lick necks just the same.  You wonder if Lisi got to be part of the wonderful weekend.  Nope!  When you have a new yard without grass mixed with lots of rain and another dog, you have the equation for a dreadful, muddy disaster.  So she stayed home with another Big Lady.
I think this is enough musing.  The bread is ready to come out of the oven.  And the granola needs to be stirred.  Happy new week!


  1. I met A for the first time a week ago Sunday! What a treat!!!

  2. There's LIW above me! Fun to meet her, too!
    And very nice to be with you Sat eve. And I agree- they're a special couple. You all are very special people!! xo

  3. It is so nice to meet those who have been on the same journey. And for the friends that are as close as family.
