Thursday, May 3, 2012

Thursday's Thoughts

Not sure what my thoughts are, but I'm sure a few will appear.

I've been treating a wart on my finger now for a very long time.  I hesitate to spend $80 for an office visit to have it removed, so have been trying a plethora of things (I didn't even have to look up how to spell that!).  I am finally resorting to cider vinegar and soaking it.  Last night it throbbed like the nines.  Or maybe even tens.  It looks black and scary now.  I think it is finally going to leave.  So if you happen to be close enough to me in the next few days and have a hankering for a pickle, it probably is my index finger...

We were at son #1's band concert two nights ago.  I was 'fortunate' enough to sit by the most appreciative grandparent in all the bleachers.  He'd CLAP really loud (in my ear) with his hands outstretched.  Shake his fist into the air.  And try fervently to get the eye contact of his precious descendant. Oh the irony is that he/she never made him/herself known to Grandpa throughout the concert.  Can't figure out why...  heh heh.

Speaking of children.  I saw this quote this week that gave me pause.  

I was accused this week of not listening by one of the MYP.... 'you never listen.  You just say uh-huh and don't hear me'.  Then I read this.  And I started to really stop what I was doing and look into the young person's eyes and listen.  It helps.  Really.

The Chairman bought me a new phone for my birthday.  It is the one where you can talk to that lady and she can send texts, post reminders, and answer calculus problems.  There is a little issue with her though.  I nearly sent a text with naughty words last night.  She didn't understand me apparently.  So if I send you something that sounds like sailor talk, it was her and not me.

And so my birthday is tomorrow and it also happens to be my favorite time of the year.  Is that common to love the time of year you were born the best?  I dunno.  But for me, that is true.  I will be 47.  I'm not ashamed of my age.  In fact, I'm quite certain I look every day like 47... and that's ok.  It's a privilege really to have lived this long.  I have a good hope of a future ahead of me as well.  Today a very special lady is being buried.  Several times this week I almost feel as I physically hurt for her family.  She didn't get the privilege to live as long.  But she had fullness of days.  She touched more lives than she knows.  Her work was done.  And she did it cheerfully.  I have been completely preoccupied with her battle and finish. I think part of it is because she was so outgoing and loving.  We can read many, many comments she made to her friends on FB.  We can read the blog posts she created after the first battle with 'c'.  It is like she is speaking - yet gone.  It all is positive, encouraging, and full of faith.  I wonder if my posts are preserved through the years what my influence would be.  I sure hope it could be half-as wonderful as K's...


  1. if...........your pickled finger conitnues to habitate the wart try one son had a colony of those critters, we tried and gave up when a teacher told him to tape a penny on them so with we scraped them a bit, taped the money on(only 1 nite)....they went stay away!

  2. Happy Birthday, Linda! Hope you have a great day!

  3. Happy Birthday! I AM older than you, :), but not by much.

  4. Happy Birthday, Linda! On Blogger instead of Facebook. ;) I very much enjoyed that quote you posted about listening. Putting that in my arsenal and gonna start doing a better job of practicing that myself. It was good to see your big sis at the funeral. I think I even got to hug her. ;)
