Thursday, June 12, 2014

Thinking this Thursday

There's a quote that says:

 "Motherhood is about the days being long and the years passing by quickly". 

 Another I enjoy:

"Time changes everything except something within us which is always surprised by change."

It seems that in the blink of an eye, we have gone from this:
Our first Sunday as a family of four
To this:
graduation from 8th grade
Tonight son #1 graduated from 8th grade.  Not a big deal really as he's not moving out of the house (or at least I've not been aware of the plans).  But to me it is a big deal.  A transition to high school.  My baby!  

It seems that it wasn't very long ago we got a call about a baby.  After some stressful and exhilarating months, we were handed this little bundle of blue.  It was unbelievably joyful.  A son was given to us.  

We watched this little boy grow and grow and grow sandwiched between two sisters.  He now looks me in the eye.  He can shove me into the corner of the kitchen so quickly that it catches me completely off-guard.  And I love it.  Raising a son.  Watching him develop change before our eyes.  

One of the reasons I have a hard time relating to depression is that I am so excited about the future.  I cannot wait to see where these MYP will go.  What will their interests be?  Where will life take them?  Opportunities await.

Yes, I got a bit misty-eyed at the graduation tonight.  But that's what moms do (especially weepy ones like me).  Tomorrow will be a normal day of delegating chores and hearing a few heavy sighs before doing the tasks.  It won't be long and the house will be void of these growing bodies.  I'm becoming more keenly aware how fast time is marching on.  I'd like to freeze moments but I cannot.  I just hope I take the time to relax and enjoy them more.  

Except when I'm sitting in the passenger seat!
This is a test.  This is only a test.  To see if she knows which pedal is which.  She did good by the way!

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