Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Post 1090

I just noticed that this will be post #1090.  That's a lot of nothingness.  I know fewer people are blogging all the time.  Some day, that'll be me. But for now, I will offer up some Wednesday Words.

I was just at the grocery store after a chiro appointment.  Why am I at the chiro?  Did I have an accident or something?  Well actually no.  My tailbone has been a bit 'off'' and I've needed some adjustments the past week.  Better to have my tailbone out of joint than my nose, eh?  Heh.  I digress... I was at the grocery store.  And I saw this:  I wanted to buy the Cheez-Its to see what "Pingles" were.
Speaking of food.  I've been trying to have smoothies for lunch lately.  It's kind of like reverting back to infancy and mixing up a bunch of stuff together and slurping it down.  Yesterday's ingredients consisted of:  carrot juice, spinach, frozen strawberries, 1/2 banana, one container Greek yogurt, a bit of ground flax, and a generous tablespoon of coconut oil.  Voila!  I called it 'Barf in a Blender' because that's what it looked like.  Oddly, it was quite tasty and I might go for a second one today.
Speaking of coconut oil, I've been reading lots of accolades about how wonderful it is for your skin and hair and tempering appetite, so I've been trying to get some into me each day.  This morning at the suggestion of Google, I put a tablespoon into my coffee.  It tasted ok.  But the coffee seemed predictably slightly oily and it really... well never mind.

Speaking of food.  Have you ever had green bananas that never ripened?  It has become an experiment in the fruit bowl here.  We are on 10-days and they are slightly showing signs of ripening, but I'm not very confident.

I winterized our camper yesterday.  It made me sad...

The Chairman and I took one of those silly tests last night, 'where should you live?'.  I got farmhouse.  He got skyscraper.  So far, we are still together.  Maybe a tall farmhouse?  Or chickens living in the city?

I was doing an extra-large pile of laundry last night from daughter #2.  I was throwing folded socks and skirts that hadn't been worn into the washing machine and thought, 'wait a minute!  These haven't even been worn!'.  Then I recalled throwing piles of clean clothes down the clothes chute to have my room cleaned in a hurry.  I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree...

There are certain things that go together.  Salt and pepper.  Bacon and eggs.  Apples and caramel.  Last night I discovered something that doesn't go together.  Fleece sheets and hot flashes.  I was about 1 degree away from grabbing a fire extinguisher.

This was on the bumper of a car at the grocery store.  I doubt it is the dog that bites, but the owner.  Most dogs I know really love most anyone despite their political preference.

Well we have some loved ones meeting at our home tonight and I would love to have it close to spotless if at all possible.  So I better grab my Norwex and see what I can do.

Happy mid-week!

1 comment:

  1. Lots of these muses made me smile. I just discovered...I'm kind of slow and behind in most things, but my Enviro cloth dampened with water makes my streaky stainless steel appliances steak free and shiny and I am thrilled!!
