Thursday, May 15, 2008

Shark Boy

We called him that for fun. You see Trevor had his bottom center adult teeth come up behind the baby teeth. Baby teeth didn't get the hint. They stayed. So Trevor had a back-up pair of teeth! I got tired of the bizarre look they brought. Dentist Lady said six months ago that they would eventually fall out. They didn't. So today I picked him up at lunchtime and off we went to the dentist's chair. They numbed him and gave him his novocaine shot (all they while he was distracted watching Scooby Doo on the TV). Two pliars twists and out they came! So he left with his teeth in a bag and gauze on his gum and I left with $95 per tooth lighter in the HSA. And I had a nice one-on-one afternoon with my boy. We got lots of flowers planted. Then the girls came home from school and peace no more!

There's hopes for the tooth fairy tonight. Tonight, she won't blow it (I hope).


  1. My sympathy for Trevor! I had that problem as well, where my baby teeth weren't falling out in time. I would have been shark girl, but mom took me in with each set of baby teeth the have them removed. I don't really relate when people talk about having a wiggly tooth. Lots of yogurt and ice cream! I'm hoping I haven't passed on my "sticky teeth" to either of the kids.

  2. Did the tooth fairy make it? ;) I still can remember my first trips to the dentist (and there were A LOT of them)... the smell of the waiting room and picking out toys after the procedure was done. I can even remember the details of Dr. Hines face. Guess you remember that kind of stuff when they're face is in yours and their giving you shots with a scary needle in your gum. Ha.
