Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day

the 'moms' with their kids
the friends

I've been reading on FB and blogs about how wonderful the Mother's Days were.  Mine was no exception.  From someone who desperately struggled to become one, I never take Mother's Day for granted... I am fortunate and I know it.  And that's what makes it such a blessing. 

We had Dad and Mom D. over for dinner along with friends*.

* I did not get permission to post this picture.    Me bad.

I feel a bit sorry that I didn't get one of just the three kids and I, but we were rushing out the door... and I honestly never thought of it again.  Oops.

1 comment:

  1. It's okay.

    You have permission to post a picture.

    It could be our 15 minutes of fame.
